A/V receiver hook-up



I have just purchased a Marantz SR4002 a/v receiver. I connected my Samsung BD-P2550 Blu-ray dvd player to it via HDMI. I have picture but no audio. What is it that I have done wrong. Also I have not heard any sound come from my sub-woofer, But do from all of the other 4 surround speakers and center channel. Is there a setting in the a/v receiver besides the one where you click "yes" you have a sub, that I need to set?


Audioholic Jedi
Welcome to the forum!

Some suggestions:
  • Make sure that you have your speakers set to "small" so that bass is redirected to the sub.
  • Make sure that the HDMI audio is set up to play through the receiver and not be passed on to the television.
  • Try switching the output on the blu-ray player to PCM instead of bitstream (if you haven't already).


Thank you and I will try those things in the morning and see what happens.


Tried those things this morning. They were all set that way. I forgot to mention that I have my direct tv satellite, vcr and nintendo wii all playing through the a/v receiver and the sound seems to be fine. I had thought that even though the Marantz was brand new maybe the hdmi #1 was bad so I switched it to input #2 and still no difference. Any new thoughts on that?


Audioholic Jedi
Hey, good morning!

In terms of getting audio from the blu-ray player, I'd say go into the Marantz menu and make sure that the input that you are using has been assigned to the source that you select (on the remote or front panel) to watch the blu-ray. Page 28 of the owner's manual discusses assigning inputs to sources. I can't see where you'd need to assign the video and audio separately (some receivers are like that), so if you get picture - I'd assume that the audio should be assigned as well.

I think that I saw in the manual last night that the Marantz can handle sampling frequencies up to a certain level, but I can't remember if that was over HDMI or not. If assigning it doesn't work, let us know.

I'll look into the sub issue. I just need to go walk the pooch right now, but I'll be back in a couple of hours.


I did have it assigned as it shows on page 28. And I would think you are correct, if it shows video it should have audio. It is something stupid I am doing, it has to be. Maybe there is a setting in the Samsung I am missing. But before the Marantz came along, it played great thru the tv.
On the subject of the sub, I sent a test tone thru all speakers and got no tone thru the sub. It could be that even though I bought it used from someone but they said it worked perfectly, maybe it does not. I don't know how to check to see if it works without it being hooked up to the receiver. Good luck although something tells me you know a lot better about this stuff then I do.


Audioholic Jedi
So, you aren't getting any sound from the sub, regardless of which source you play?

What model of sub did you buy? I'll try to find the owner's manual and step through it with you. I'm assuming that the sub is "on". :) I mention it, though, because sometimes people forget to turn them on.

I'll look into the manual for the blu-ray, too. It might be a setting in there that needs to be changed, like you mentioned.


It's a Sony SA-WM250, yes it is on and no not a stupid question to ask. By the way, nice dog. No I get nothing from it no matter what I am playing. I have owned Klipsch before, I would think it sets up the same. Also I had changed the HDMI cable hoping there was a problem but that did not help. If I have not told you this before, thanks for taking your time especially on Super Bowl Sunday.


Audioholic Jedi
Oh, yeah - the Superbowl is today. I totally forgot. I'm not a football fan, so no worries!

I'll look into that equipment for you. I am working today, though, so it might be just a little bit before I post again.


No rush at all. I could call Marantz in the morning but to tell you the truth I believe I would have more help with someone like you. Besides, I have read this forum for a long time and many guys just like yourself have been helpful to dummies like me.


Audioholic Jedi
Some quick notes on the subwoofer. For this, I'm assuming that you are using the subwoofer output on the Marantz into the RCA jack input on the back of the sub.
  1. You can download the owner's manual from the link here if one didn't come with it.
  2. Turn the crossover frequency on the back of the sub all the way up to 200Hz.
  3. Make sure that the phase switch is completely in one of the two possible positions (may not matter, but I don't know).
  4. Make sure that the subwoofer output level on the Marantz is set to 0dB or higher.
  5. Although it shouldn't affect the test tone, make sure that the LFE output setting on the Marantz is set to "0dB" and not "-10dB" or "Off".
  6. Starting with the volume setting on the sub at the minimum, use the test tone for the sub on the receiver and start increasing the volume to see if it makes any sound.


Adam, the sub works great. I had two problems. First, the cord I was running with the rca plugs was bad. Second and most importantly, I was plugged into the jack in the back for 7.1 sub, I am not using that. So thanks for all your help. After I fixed that I was hoping maybe being plugged into a wrong jack would of kept me from getting audio on my dvd player( hey, a guy could only hope things were this easy), but no luck with that.


Audioholic Jedi
Hey, I'm glad that you got the sub working! I almost asked if you were accidentally plugged into the subwoofer input on the receiver, but I forgot about it by the time I got back to the computer. You figured it out though, so that's great.

Now, time to focus on getting sound from the blu-ray player! Something that I haven't checked yet on the blu-ray player is if you need to tell it to output sound over HDMI. I'd say check into the manual on that. I'll be sure to let you know if I find anything.


O.K. I will look at that. Keep in mind that it was working great thru the hdmi when I was running it to the tv. This is very bizzare and again like the sub issue, it will end up being something weird.


Thank you for all the time you had spent with me. I finally figured out the audio problem and basically I was using a very cheap hdmi cable. When I changed it,it worked perfectly. I hope in the future if I have a problem, I will run across your name for assistance.



Audioholic Jedi
Thanks for the update, Chuck! Sorry that I didn't follow up with that...I was very busy with work that day (and the couple of days after that). Yes, yes...I'm rationalizing. :)

I'll be more than happy to help with any issues that you have in the future, as I'm sure a lot of people here will be. There's a lot of great people on this forum.

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