A/v receiver died & time to replace, need advise..



Full Audioholic
Re: A/v receiver died & time to replace, need advise..

I didn't see any mention of RLO setting for those measurements. The boost is reduced as one goes further into the negative number. For max boost, set RLO to 0dB and if your sub and main speakers blend in a pleasing manner (sub cannot be localized and bass not boomy/excessive), leave it at 0.


I have heard of some of the new Onkyos failing, but the cheaper lines because their boards are mass printed. You have to spend more to get a good receiver. Like Yamaha's Avantage line :D I love em!

A friend of mine snagged a Onkyo though for about $250 on sale earlier in the year. He had it for about 3 months and one day he went to turn it on and it popped and turned right back off instantly. He wasn't able to get it to turn on after that. He had to contact Onkyo about it. He initially had a few issues with them but I am pretty sure they replaced it. I will have to ask if he still has it (if they replaced it) or if he opted to get a different brand or spend more for a better quality model.


Junior Audioholic
I've had my Onkyo for a year now had one a long time ago. Never had issues, but my rack is wide open. Even the Xbox didn't ever red ring on me.
My rack is wide open also. Just looking at all my options & sucks when you spend $400 & a few years later... here we go again..


Audioholic Overlord
You had an early-model Xbox (IIRC I think it was the Zephyr board)? And it didn't red-ring????

Not YET anyway.

Every single person that I know (i.e. friends and co-workers) with the original models had the RROD AT LEAST once. Personally, I had it twice! As did a couple of my other friends.

If you have an early model XBOX that hasn't RROD, then go buy a lottery ticket! You already hit the lottery once!
I think it's been close, the disk drive stopped working, but I got an M in October. I mainly use it for netflix, but occasionally game.


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Junior Audioholic
So to confuse I mean edumacate myself even more I went to my bestbuy magnolia store...
the very knowledgable gal switched between a Yamaha a730, marantz 5008' an a pioneer elite of some sort and hands down the marantz was obviously richer in sound at the same settings as the other units....
I didn't even want to consider marantz due solely on appearance but was blown away from what I heard, made the other units sound bland...
still have no idea what to do but bestbuy has the Yamaha a730 for $569
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Junior Audioholic
So to the guys that have vast knowledge of these brands and technology are my ears steering me in the right direction thinking that the marantz sounds so much richer than the others I've listened to? Just listened to a soundtrack and not an actual movie which is our main use, know it has mult eq xt.
Onkyo 626 has Mult eq which my magnolia store doesn't even carry the onkyo line in store....
heard really good info on he Yamaha a720 but after listening to it side by side to the marantz if even more undecided.....
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Audioholic Ninja
So to confuse I mean edumacate myself even more I went to my bestbuy magnolia store...
the very knowledgable gal switched between a Yamaha a730, marantz 5008' an a pioneer elite of some sort and hands down the marantz was obviously richer in sound at the same settings as the other units....
I didn't even want to consider marantz due solely on appearance but was blown away from what I heard, made the other units sound bland...
still have no idea what to do but bestbuy has the Yamaha a730 for $569
Did you read the manuals of all of them, and make sure that all of the settings really were the same? With most AV receivers, there are all sorts of things to check on to make sure that the settings really are the same. For example, one might have been set up to EQ the speakers hooked up to it, and the others might have been set up for other speakers, or with the internal automatic EQ bypassed. If you do not check into all of these kinds of details, you really have no idea whether the settings are really the same or not. Frankly, if you are hearing a dramatic difference between comparably priced receivers from reputable brands, I would bet money that there is a setting that is different. But you may have trouble digging into the menus to figure out what is different.


Junior Audioholic
You are probably correct to some extent, went back tonight and had the other half take a listen too and we both decided the Marantz 5008 sounded great to us... $749 on sale and cheaper than cf.
Pulled the trigger on it, we'll see how it goes.
Not a huge fan of the appearance compared to the other brands , but I'm about sound and performance..
Hopefully it's easy to function and can set it and forget it!
Sending the Onky 626 back to cf, just can't do Onkyo again with all the Issues regardless if the resolved it, not taking a chance...


Junior Audioholic
How does ease of use & function compare between the Marantz vs other top brands?


Audioholic Jedi
Hi, Slater. I'm just getting into your thread and haven't read the whole thing, but I have some input.

Like Pyrrho said, any number of settings can be different. With at least this year's models with Audyssey, two that can get overlooked are Dynamic EQ and Dynamic Volume. The four receivers that I tried this year all (I believe) asked during the Audyssey setup if I wanted Dynamic Volume on or off, but it always set Dynamic EQ to On by default. Dynamic EQ is like the old Loudness controls, but more sophisticated. Dynamic Volume is a form of dynamic range compression. Either setting can make a system sound quite a bit different, and they did influence my impressions of one receiver versus another when I'd forget to toggle them all to the same value.

I tried two Marantz models (NR1504 and NR1604), a Denon AVR-E400, and an Onkyo 626. I also own a Pioneer Elite VSX-23 (from 2009). I prefer Pioneer's MCACC over Audyssey, but that's mainly because I sit in two distinctly different listening positions. MCACC can store multiple configurations, so one for each location, but Audyssey can only store one.

I didn't find the Marantz models that I used any more difficult to set up and use than any of the others. At least on the 1504 and 1604, the menu system is easy to navigate. It's essentially the same menu as on the Denon E400, too. The Onkyo 626 menu was, if memory serves, not quite as intuitive - but still not bad.


Junior Audioholic
Nothing but crickets lately!
can pull the trigger on a Yamaha Aventage a730 bnib for $569 vs the marantz 5008 for $750
whats a guy to do???
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Audioholic Ninja
Nothing but crickets lately!
can pull the trigger on a Yamaha a730 bnib for $569 vs the marantz 5008 for $750
whats a guy to do???
If the Yamaha has all the features you need, that is what I would recommend.


Junior Audioholic
So had the marantz 5008 since about Dec. 15th but contemplating stepping-up as been reading the xt-32 is soooo worth the added expense....
So where should I stand now, the Denon 4000 vs Marantz 7008, any others that should sound just as good?
Thought I read somewhere some guys were having issues with the denon 4000 having overheat or dying issues in some cases or I maybe mistaken?
Im so tired of overthinking all this but want a to make the right choice....
Would I really even hear a significant improvement in sound on my mid-range priced HSU bookshelfs over xt?
HB-1 MK2 Horn Bookshelf Speaker
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Audioholic Warlord
Maybe, maybe not. Without knowing how much your current version of audyssey is doing there's not way to even begin to predict whether the higher resolution of XT 32 will make much of a difference. Futhermore, IF you're happy with your current receiver and it has all the features you need and want and IF if don't have two subwoofers then I would say that it is definitely not worth spending more money on.

PS room correction software doesn't care about your speakers it only cares about the FR response it hears in room. You could have some tremendous speakers in a poor room and audyssey might help them more than mediocre speakers in a favorable room.


Audioholics Contributing Writer
Its been a while since ive been here but time dish-out more cash...
My refurb'd Onkyo 706 from acc4less started dying after 4 years.
Turning on after sitting off for a while or overnight I have no picture or sound for an extended peroid of time till the Onkyo decides it want to get with the program.
Did all diagnostics & resets, swapped-out hdmi cables, same results.
Onkyo mentioned possiby a bad "video card"
Just running 5 HSU wall mounted speakers & a sub.
Looking new this time around, do I give the Onkyo 626 a shot or steer clear & get The Denon 400?
Been happy with the Onkyo's performance till now...
Not trying to bad mouth the product but any common history of Onkyo's having random frequent failures pre-maturely?
Like any piece of electronic gear, you're going to get lemons from time to time and the amount of ventilation you give the gear will help its longevity. You're asking for anecdotal commentary so be sure to weigh it accordingly.

From first-hand experience, I have had very good luck with Marantz, Yamaha, and Denon. With NAD integrated and preamps I've had very, very good success but with their CD players, I got a lemon. I also know people who swear by their Anthem gear. I've never owned any Onkyo gear so I really cannot comment on that.

Pioneer also has an excellent reputation as has been previously stated.

As a generalization, Onkyo tries to give you all your features plus the kitchen sink whereas the other brands don't focus on incorporating all the latest features as such. If it was me and I was looking at the sub $1,000 receivers, then I'd personally go with a Yamaha or Marantz. If I'm looking at the $1,000 plus market, then I'd go for an Anthem or a Pioneer Elite (remember, there's a difference in quality between the regular Pioneer and the Elite lines).


Junior Audioholic
Well today was the day & decided to return the marantz 5008 & going to give the Denon 4000 a spin, we will see what all the xt-32 & deq is all about...


My Onkyo HT R548 died after not even 2.5 years. Onkyo is JUNK. Never buying Onkyo again. Think I will have to replace with Yamaha, seems to be strongly recommended by most with the least amount of issues.


Seriously, I have no life.
Audyssey DEQ Bass Boost @ 5hz/10hz/ 20hz/ 40hz/ 80hz:

VOL -40: 21.8/ 21.0/ 17.8/ 12.9/ 6.4
VOL -30: 16.1/ 15.7/ 13.3/ 09.1/ 4.6
VOL -20: 10.2/ 09.9/ 08.3/ 05.6/ 2.7
VOL -10: 07.2/ 04.7/ 03.9/ 03.0/ 1.5
VOL -00: 00.4/ 00.4/ 00.4/ 00.2/ 0.1

So if my master volume is -20.0, there is a bass boost of +8.3dB @ 20Hz, +5.6dB @ 40Hz, & +2.7dB @ 80Hz.

Well, I do like what I hear. :D
Well, it looks as if I would really dislike it!

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