A good news/bad news situation


Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
The good news is that I am now 100% satisfied with my 2-channel setup (and I have been 100% satisfied with my HT for several years.)
The bad news is that audio is my hobby. So now what?:eek:


Audioholic Spartan
any second hobby must be cheap!

like basketball, chess, knitting, reading, walking, sun-bathing, horse-shoes :p


Audioholic Jedi
Now you need to save up money for your next upgrade in a few years.:D


Audioholic Samurai
It will never end. I thought when I got my HT system that I was going to be satisfied and that was going to be the end of it but that was not the case. Then I inherited some LPs so got a TT and wanted a separate 2ch system. Now the speakers on my 2ch system alone are worth more than my HT speakers and receiver.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
It will never end. I thought when I got my HT system that I was going to be satisfied and that was going to be the end of it but that was not the case. Then I inherited some LPs so got a TT and wanted a separate 2ch system. Now the speakers on my 2ch system alone are worth more than my HT speakers and receiver.
On the way to arriving at its current state, my system passed through several incarnations. Several of these were considerably more expensive than the all-Cambridge Audio setup I have now. At one point, I even had B&W speakers costing 1.5X as much as this entire system.
In spite of that, this is the best-sounding system I have ever owned by a pretty good margin, and ranks among the very best I have heard.


Full Audioholic
Then consider yourself lucky-for now! Trust me, something new will come along in a few years that is the "next big thing" and you will have to have it ;)

Good news being that you will have saved a ton of money by not upgrading all the time for a while and will be able to jump in full force if you want to. ;)


Senior Audioholic
If "Audio" is TRUELY your hobby, you will now start listening to the music rather than the gear that plays it. So redirect that money into increasing your music.

The good news is that I am now 100% satisfied with my 2-channel setup (and I have been 100% satisfied with my HT for several years.)
The bad news is that audio is my hobby. So now what?:eek:


Audioholic Chief
I have a relatively cheap hobby for you. How about assembling and painting plastic model kits. I used to do that in my early teens for hours on end. I made mostly military models so I would research to find pictures of the equipment so I would get it totally accurate. Unffortunately, my hands tremble now so I can no longer do that hobby when I retire.


Full Audioholic
I've got a great hobby for you - give World of Warcraft a try!


Senior Audioholic
I agree with an earlier post saying if you are truely happy with your gear and enjoy music you wont have time or energy to wonder about the "what ifs".
I am at the same point, recently moving into a dedicated well tuned room has taken my system to a whole new level and I dont really think of changing much, (my system was built over a few years and has reached a point of diminished returns) I am adding a video Scaler that is in transit to improve my standard def performance but it was a deal I couldnt pass on and an extremely kind offer from a new friend.
Even in the last few months at old home I was only adding to my A/V library and off the merry go 'round of upgrades...and it is a great feeling!
Congrats on your happiness on your systems performance and I hope it lasts.


Audioholic Ninja
The good news is that I am now 100% satisfied with my 2-channel setup (and I have been 100% satisfied with my HT for several years.)
The bad news is that audio is my hobby. So now what?:eek:
Read;) I have a friend who long said something to me that has ingrained itself in my mind: "boredom is the lack of imagination." Try DIY electronic kits, robotics, astronomy, photography, speaker wire builds, pottery, bowling, fishing, I keep going, but you get the point.


Audioholic Spartan
Now might be a good time to research acoustics. If this is the best sounding system you've had and it's still in an acoustically untested room, there may be a whole lot of room for improvement for very little cost - with the right knowledge.


After years.....no, actually decades......of living with a system that consisted of two stacks of hardware that were each over two feet high and the associated rats nest to connect it all, and speaker wire run the best I could based on the room (read: not so good to look at), my system is also almost done. I have the new Emo XPA-2 on order, and a few odds and ends to do. When that's done, I'll have a system that I'm VERY pleased with. Good gear that looks and sounds great, wiring hidden......bliss. :)
As to what I'll do when all done?
Get back to my other hobby.......photography..........
And start looking at what I need to upgrade. :D

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
If "Audio" is TRUELY your hobby, you will now start listening to the music rather than the gear that plays it. So redirect that money into increasing your music.
These days, I can browse a large record store for a couple of hours and still come away empty-handed. That is the result of owning literally thousands of CDs (with even those being the ones that survive "pruning".):)

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
I have a relatively cheap hobby for you. How about assembling and painting plastic model kits. I used to do that in my early teens for hours on end. I made mostly military models so I would research to find pictures of the equipment so I would get it totally accurate. Unffortunately, my hands tremble now so I can no longer do that hobby when I retire.
I did do that for a while, and got pretty good at it (much more complex models than the ones I built as a kid.) The old eyes find it excessively stressful now, though.
This might be a good time to expand my collection of art books.

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