Axiom is really good. No brainer once I listened to them.
Rowdy S13 said:
Ok Im kinda looking to upgrade my speakers and had a few questions. To start I have Canton LE 170's and a Integra DTR-5.4 I have been looking to get Axiom or RBH. I like the axioms a lil more because of price so because of that Im looking at the M80ti tower the VP150 center and QS8 surround. The first question I have is how are they? Does anyone have any of these and how do they sound? The second more impotant question is I noticed that the towers are 4ohm the center is 6ohm and the surrounds are also 6ohm. Will this affect my reciever in a negative way? Wont it stress it a lot more? Im also considering changing to a Denon 4806 will it be better with that reciever? Other than that any thoughts are always aprciated.
I have the floor standing speakers one step down, Axiom M60ti coupled with QS8 surrounds and VP150 for the center. Let me till you that this setup makes a subwoofer unnecessary. And guess what, I dont have one. Before people start yelling, I will get one soon. The reason I mention it is because my listening is not influenced by a sub filling in for where the speaker falls short. The M60ti's shake my walls. In terms of music, I hear everything form classical to rock to hip-hop to dance. The speakers really shine when I put in a well recorded disc at good volume (-20dB on my Yammy). The YPAO (auto calibration) did its thing and i am absolutely thrilled when I see M&C: Far Side or The Matrix.
I would have gotten the M80ti's but I thought they were overkill for my needs, and I did not have $ $$$$.$$ for a seperate amp. Maybe my Christmas present to me
That being the only cavait, if you get the M80ti's you will need an external amp to be able to drive them. Most receivers will choke on them. But if you have an external amp, dont worry about the impidence difference, most amps support speakers from 2 to 8 ohm. And then your processor will control the trim on each speaker so that they are calibrated.