@XEagleDriver I am buying on your idea of audio being more of an introvert's activity than the typical extrovert.
I fall into the category of introvert but have spent my entire working life and much of my private life in the world of extroverts. People don't fall neatly in to one category or another, but it does make general sweeping statements a little easier and expressing certain ideas a little easier to think of it that way.
I suppose I'm interested in this general thread idea because for whatever reason my eye has been taken by a certain audio company's product recently. The ones with the big blue VU meters and horrific price tags. They have been on a tear recently announcing new products that appeal to me. I am able to write a check for just about anything I want these days but there is some part of me (the sane part perhaps) that refuses based on the principal that I wouldn't be any better off after the purchase. My audio system wouldn't sound any better. It would LOOK better with those massive black units and big blue VU meters. But, alas, it wouldn't sound any better.
This cuts right to the idea of "why" do people spend big on audio. For me at this point in my life, it would be for the "show my friends" factor not the actual sound. That's what a classic extrovert would do. How do you get young people to spend big on audio? I have no idea given all the competing tech they can choose from. My only idea is my music room. When I invite my youngin's in there they are transfixed by the sound. I suspect that will bear fruit when they are able. Slow and steady may yet rule the day.