Hi there. I just have a wiring/buying question (skip the following paragraph if you don't care about backround and specs)
A year ago I bought a jaton 5.1 av 318 surround sound system made in wherever china gets it's cheap crap from. It says it's 600 watts RMS, but that's bs. The current woofer is said to be 100 watts at 8 ohms, and has a nice dent kicked in the cone. It's never sounded that great, and I'm finally looking for a replacement driver. The catch is, it's a 6.5 inch woofer, 93 dB, and supposedly has a 35-300Hz range: I can't find a 6.5 inch woofer at 8 ohms anywhere.
I can find lots of 4 ohm 6.5 inchers out there, but no 8 ohmers till 10 inches.
So here's my question: the subwoofer is supposed to work at 100W "RMS" at 8 ohms- is that wattage low enough that I can risk putting in a 300 watt 6.5 inch sub at 4 ohms without blowing up my power supply? I know the resistance discrepancy is dangerous, but is 100 watts enough to worry about? Assuming that they are rms. The enclosure contains the power supply for the sub and additional 5 speakers, as well as a nice 1-2 inch port.
And if it is dangerous, does anyone know where I can get a 6.5 inch subby at 6 or 8 ohms with a decent range? Thanks for reading