I can assure you that the 5790 and 1400 are very similar but do not share the exact same components inside Power Supply looks like the same as does the borad layout but a quick look inside and you can clearly see different filter capacitors for the 1400 and 5790 The PEQ and room EQ GUI and software is also different Both are very capable receivers in there perspective price points both sound identical and I can detect no audible difference between the two Without a doubt the fact that you have both units in front of you to compare makes you a qualified authority on this issue. Most important to me is the question of whether or not I'm guilty of giving crappy advise. The only possible arguement I have is your mention of different price points between these two recievers. Boiling out the fluctuation in different online and brick and motar vendors it appears to me as though these recievers fall into the same price category. At least before the appearance of the 1500. That aside; can you please elaborate on the differences in the GUI and PEQ?