Hello everyone below is what I currently purchased and I also have a diagram of the room. The room is 20x15 but connected to an open kitchen at the back of the room so no wall space to put ear lvl rear speakers. I have 4 pre wired holes in the ceiling when they built the house (that are off centered from the middle of the room by 2 feet) the front ceiling holes sit about 3 feet in front of the couch and the rear about a foot behind.
My plan for the speaker setup is to use the two holes behind the couch for surround sound and the two holes in front of the couch for the other set of atmos speakers.
Marantz sr6013
2 x def tech bp9020
2 x def tech atmos a90
1 x cs9040
4 x def tech Di8r
Here are my questions
1. Will a 5.2.4 work with the a90s firing at the ceiling and the other 2 atmos speakers firing down from the 2 middle holes?
2. I see the ideal setup is to have the 2 atmos speakers behind you in a 4 speaker setup. Will it greatly effect the Expericance with them in the front?
3. The 2 foot off set of the speaker holes to the center of the room is it worth having them moved into the exact correct position?