From what your project seems to be, I would suggest you buy a camcoder which can record 5.1 surround sound. Check out the newer full HD camcoders which often support 5.1. I just used one to record a play here locally and watch it with just regular Logitec 5.1 speakers on my computer (100 CAD at futureshop (I'm in Canada too)) and feel like I'm sitting right in the audience.
I don't see your robots running around with 20k recording equipment...
I would imagine this would be sufficient for your study, plus you get the side benefit of a video
You'd be looking at something like this:
1. Take your 5.1 camera out for a trip.
2. Transcode the MTS file to get just the audio. (Check if ffdshow can do it. Winamp can stream to wave file, but haven't tested 5.1 with it yet)
3. Download the beta version on Audacity (ver 1.3.8 beta as of Aug 12, 2009)
4. Go to edit -> preferences and under sound output choose to allow 5.1 export (default is to mix everything to 2 channels)
If you are running Windows Vista, you may need to install a driver as Microsoft quit implementing DirectSound on Vista.
Open DirectSound on Wikipedia and look under Windows_Vista
I have a realtek soundcard and installed Realtek's "3D SoundBack" and added VLC and Winamp as applications and get full surround sound.
You might get a full setup for 500 CAD with this approach (just the Camera).
Audacity is free.
If you want a more professional setup, consider getting a few of those "Behringer B-5. $80-$90 each" microphones mentioned earlier and buy a little home mixer with a SD card or hardrive. If you get one using 12V, you can easily plug it into your car. With the ignition off, the car battery should supply a pretty decent and noiseless power too. These are fairly inexpensive and can record WAV files with one track for each channel. These can then be opened with Audacity. Read a few documents out there about positioning the microphones and connect them all to this little mixing board.
Example of a mixer:
Samson MDR6

)) I don't know anything about the mixer above. I just googled "small audio mixer".
The sub channel can be added by mixing all other channels and running it through a proper low pass filter in Audacity.
Download a 5.1 demo wave file somewhere to open with Audacity to see what they look like if you feel like. Simply just 6 channels....
How's the robot comming along?
Check out this: www dot
The pro-s on this forum might get after me for setting you up with something which will create a non-concert-quality-result, but that seems sufficient for you, though.
Bear in mind that it is important that you have the right kind of microphone as they need to have the correct pickup pattern for sound. No use having a front pickup microphone if it listens just as much to the back as to the front anyway... See
Have fun!