Well, there are tons of routes you can take. The only question is which one works best for you, and that you will enjoy.
Personally I am all about the math, as long as I burn more calories than I take in, then I'm good (although I have not been doing that lately

). I want to eat whatever I feel like.
So, anyways...here's some things that I have heard and have read in various places that perhaps may help you out (who knows, maybe you have read them as well).
- Eat fruit in the morning. Supposedly it will help jump start your matabolism first thing.
- Eat smaller meals more often through the day. Supposed to keep your matabolism going throughout the day, instead of fluctuating as you eat 3 big meals
- When lifting weights, start off with about 5 min of cardio to get your heart rate elevated, then as you're lifting try to keep it elevated (only take maybe 30 sec breaks between sets, or have another machine close by and rotate back and forth each set)
- Swimming is the best cardio you can do (or so says my swim coach from High School, which I find believable) so if possible get in the pool and do laps for 30 min or so. It will also help you with your lung capacity as well.
I'm sure I have some other ideas that I can share, just can't think of them at the moment.