Oh dear! This thread seems to be going off the rails. I think mainly because the original question has no practicality.
A four ohm speaker and an eight ohm speaker can not be otherwise identical. That fact alone got this thread off the rails.
Now if there could be, the sensitivity of the speakers would be identical on a one watt one meter spec. On a 2.83 volt one watt one meter spec the four ohm speaker would be 3 db more sensitive, but draw twice the power from the amp.
Now when I as a lad, all amps were tube. A tube amp is a voltage amplifying device. Tubes do not like high anode/cathode currents. So a transformer is required to match the output tubes to the speaker. So the speaker impedance is not critical. In fact there used to be taps on the output transformer to optimally match the amp to four, eight or sixteen ohm loads. However, tube amps always were, and continue to be at a disadvantage driving speakers with widely varying impedance with frequency.
Now a transistor on the other hand is a current amplifying device primarily. The output devices have been directly coupled to the speaker since the early seventies. Now high operating voltage between collector and emitter makes for unreliability, as high voltages tend to punch unwanted holes through the semiconductor and cause device failure. The amp can never produce a higher voltage at the speaker terminals than the rail voltage, in fact it is always a little less.
Now obviously it is voltage that drives current. So in order to get decent power to the speaker load requires a lower impedance. So speaker impedance trended downwards in the transition to solid state amplifiers.
Now this all contributed to higher currents to get the power at satisfactory transistor operating voltages. However current generates heat flowing through a resistance including the internal resistance of output devices. Heat is also a device killer.
The upshot of this is that all amps are voltage and current limited at a certain point. However cheaper devices are blown at lower current flows than more expensive ones. So in general as the price goes up amps are able to provide more current to a lower impedance loads without either clipping, because of inability to provide the required current, activating protection or self destructing.
Now lets look at the speaker end of the equation. First off lets dispose of the damping factor myth. Once you have a passive crossover there is no damping, period. A moving coil speaker can only interact with an amp and have useful damping if it is directly connected to the amp, via a short wire.
The next issue is that the impedance of any speaker is all over the map with frequency. There are bass tuning peaks, and peaks at crossover in addition for impedance of all drivers to rise with frequency, because the VC is an inductor, and that is how they behave.
Not only that, the voice coils and crossover components form reactive loads such that voltage and current are not in phase. This has two consequences. Effective impedance becomes lower than the measured value as the phase angle becomes negative. A gap is generated between true power and apparent power. However an amp must provide enough current to provide for apparent power needs or clipping will result. Passive crossovers are responsible for most of these ill effects and these become much more acute and prevalent as the crossover point is lowered.
This point was obliquely alluded to in a recent thread in which Dr Floyd Toole participated. He referred to costly high end speakers requiring "arc welder amps". He inferred that speakers requiring such amplification were incompetently designed.
He was referring to a problem in high end passive three way speakers, or more, with low crossover points. Now far too often these speakers have dips of impedance to less than three ohms and sometimes to the 2 ohm range or less. Now if the impedance of the speaker/crossover combination is less then the impedance of the drivers, then that combination is resonant. The speaker/crossover combination is ringing and the design is incompetent and not fit for purpose. That speaker will not be an accurate reproducer. Funnily enough in the high end these speakers abound.
Lastly, and perhaps more importantly, we have the issue of baffle step compensation and passive crossovers. This is the frequency at which a monopole speaker transitions from a half space to an omni directional radiator. That frequency increases as the width of the front baffle decreases. Unless the drive to the speaker is increased by 6 db below that frequency, then the speaker will sound thin.
Now only an active circuit can provide boost. A passive circuit can only provide cut, or attenuation.
So in a passive crossover the impedance has to drop below the baffle step frequency. What actually happens is that the impedance is allowed to rise to attenuate the higher frequencies.
So, if you make a speaker truly 8 ohms in the power range, it will be 16 ohms in the higher frequencies, and often more. Since solid state amps are voltage limited, that sets up for clipping in the higher frequencies due to voltage limiting.
If you design to avoid this, then the impedance will drop to four ohms and sometimes a bit less in the power range. This will embarrass amps that are current limited and may blow them up.
The consequences of this is that all decent passive speakers for solid state amps are in fact four ohm speakers, no matter what the manufacturer specifies. If not then amps will be voltage limited rather then current limited. Manufacturers collectively lie through their teeth about the impedance of their speakers.
Any amp that can not provide respectable power into a four ohm impedance is not a very good amp.
Now I think you can see that most of these difficult problems can be solved by transitioning to active speakers.
The bottom line is that amplifiers belong not in receivers, but speakers.
Again Dr Toole referred to this last week. We are only going to make substantial progress and improve sound quality at reasonable cost when this transition takes place.