360s Premium has HDMI now



Audioholic Ninja
Microsoft just made the Elite version of the 360 pointless (unless you must have black) by adding an HDMI port to the Premium version. So take 100 less gb of storage space and save yourself a chunk of change.

If they add wireless internet and their failure rate starts getting better I might have to get one :eek:



Audioholic Jedi
That was announced some time back, since I think it was the number one complaint.


Audioholic Ninja
That was announced some time back, since I think it was the number one complaint.
Thats why they released the Elite, so they could charge more and offer HDMI, but now the HDMI feature is being spread to the other lower models.

AH just posted an article about it too.


Audioholic Ninja
Guys, I've not been keeping up too very much with the gaming platforms. It seems like there are plenty of problems with the Xbox...which was favored over the PS3 on the AH poll (??). Is the reason that more games are available on the Xbox? The Wii looks like a goofy child's game set...but I dunno. The X has HD-DVD, the PS3 has Blu-ray. Hard drives are equivalent?

What's an uninformed gamer wannabe to do? I want to get my wife one for Christmas, but dang if I can figure out which to buy, or WHEN. Any guidance would be most appreciated.



Audioholic Jedi
Yeah, but I read that they would be doing that when they first announced the Elite. I think I read it on something in a link here as a matter of fact.

There are more games on the 360 because it has been out for around 2 years already and the PS3 only 8 months. What kind of games might the wife be interested in? Since that is probably going to be a big factor... See the other thread regarding "games for the wife...."


Audioholic Ninja
Guys, I've not been keeping up too very much with the gaming platforms. It seems like there are plenty of problems with the Xbox...which was favored over the PS3 on the AH poll (??). Is the reason that more games are available on the Xbox? The Wii looks like a goofy child's game set...but I dunno. The X has HD-DVD, the PS3 has Blu-ray. Hard drives are equivalent?

What's an uninformed gamer wannabe to do? I want to get my wife one for Christmas, but dang if I can figure out which to buy, or WHEN. Any guidance would be most appreciated.

Currently the 360 has far more games out since it has been out since late 05. It is also plagued with reliability issues but those are supposed to be fixed especially by Christmas. If you want to get online wirelessly with the 360 that will cost you an extra 100 bucks for the unit, also the HD DVD drive is an external unit so don't expect HD DVD right out of the box. Lastly, xbox live is better IMO than the PSN but it has a yearly fee of 50 dollars or so.

The PS3 is a more powerful machine with Blu-ray built in. Currently it has less games but as time goes on that will probably even out. The ps3s online plan is free and there is wireless internal to the ps3.

As a previous Wii owner I say its a waste of time.

If you have any other questions I will try to answer them. :)

edit: hard drives. The PS3 comes with a 60gb but you can attach any fat32 formated external drive to it via usb no problems. The xbox has 3 versions no HD, 20GB and 120. I think you can also attach a HD to the 360. One thing to notice about the 360 vs PS3 is that the ps3s all have internal HDs which allow for game data to be cached causing faster load times.

Personally I like the ps3 over the 360 so expect some bias :).


Audioholic Ninja
Yeah, but I read that they would be doing that when they first announced the Elite. I think I read it on something in a link here as a matter of fact.

There are more games on the 360 because it has been out for around 2 years already and the PS3 only 8 months. What kind of games might the wife be interested in? Since that is probably going to be a big factor... See the other thread regarding "games for the wife...."
Thanks guys, for the info.

The missus prefers simple games (think Ms. Pacman type and not-too-frantic puzzle or cartoony-type action like Space Invaders...aging ourselves, aren't I? :eek:). She definitely is not into road rage games, SPS's, and the (ahem) really fun guy games. (That'll be for moi. :)) Although, a good system might wake up her competitive gaming juices, I doubt the net-gaming would be of any interest to her at all. This will be used a nothing but a gentle diversion from the usual, boring tv fare.

Whatcha think?


Audioholic Jedi
Sounds like she would fall into the "casual gamer" category, which is the target audience of the Wii and the games for it. If you are going to be gaming, either the 360 or the PS3 would be the better choice, though that will also end up giving you a few less choices for casual games (almost none on the PS3 so far). There are a lot of interesting games coming out for the PS3 this year though, which are less hardcore gamer and more on the "general public" side that look cool like Little Big Planet. There are also some downloadable puzzle type games that are only a few bucks available for download too.


Senior Audioholic
I own both (although I admit I bought my PS3 mostly for Blu-ray). One other thing that is good about the 360 is the Live Arcarde. It lets you download many old games for other systems, as well as puzzle and card games which are more appropriate for a casual gamer. My wife loves it (and playing Super Contra and TMNT again is awesome . You can also buy TV shows and rent movies from Xbox live.


Audioholic Jedi
PS Store has some old school games too, Joust, Rampage, Sudoku, Lemmings, etc... as well as some new games for the casual gamer.


Audioholic Chief
Guys, I've not been keeping up too very much with the gaming platforms. It seems like there are plenty of problems with the Xbox...which was favored over the PS3 on the AH poll (??). Is the reason that more games are available on the Xbox? The Wii looks like a goofy child's game set...but I dunno. The X has HD-DVD, the PS3 has Blu-ray. Hard drives are equivalent?

What's an uninformed gamer wannabe to do? I want to get my wife one for Christmas, but dang if I can figure out which to buy, or WHEN. Any guidance would be most appreciated.

The first choice you need to make is Wii or PS3/360. The Wii does look goofy, but don't knock it til you've tried it and my wife likes the look of it compared with the other two because it's by far the smallest and easiest to hide. And the controller just looks like a Tv remote, so she's not as obsessive about hiding it. My father has decried playing video games since i got my first NES, and when he saw us playing Wii Sports Baseball said "let me try that..."

If it's not for you, put yourself in her shoes, which one would she prefer? In my experience, my wife will play games, as long as they are approachable (no overly complicated controls), and she can pick up and play them for 10 minutes at a clip (no final fantasy or zelda). She doesn't dedicate time to playing, just wants something to pass the time once in awhile.

Hence, why Tetris, Pac Man, Snood, Bejeweled etc are all so popular with her (and a lot of other women). She likes games that she can watch and immediately say "I can do that" without needing to learn for hours on end what buttons do or read an airplane operators manual.

The Wii right now is a minigame machine and home to some bad PS2 ports. There are a couple great games, but they fall into the hardcore gamer category (Zelda, Paper Mario, etc). My wife likes the minigames. And they're a blast with friends.

She also plays the 360, but will only really play the 360 arcade games. Aegis Wing, Pac Man, Hexic, though for some strange reason she won't touch Geometry Wars. The 360 is a great gaming machine, it's just not for her. There have been reliability issues, but most of them have been the RRoD variety, and microsoft just upped the warranty to 3 years for those issues. Online, the 360 blows away the PS3 with a much better online experience - chat, finding friends, the store is all much better thought out. Downside - it costs $60 a year if you want to play against other people online. You can do most of the other stuff for free (send messages, download content, see who's online, etc). It's very noisy, which bothers her a lot. Oh and she loves Guitar Hero II, calling it the best game I've ever bought.

My wife really hasn't touched the PS3 much. She thought Motorstorm was pretty cool, but there's not much other content that interests her at this point. She couldn't care one bit about Blu-Ray, Bluetooth or anything else, so it has very little advantage for her. It is a much more reliable console and here's a big one (for her) -- it's MUCH quieter. The interface isn't as friendly for a new user and the online play is free. It does have wireless built in, which is a plus.

In my experience, the biggest obstacle to get my wife to play has been accessibility. The Wii wins there hands down.

For the 360 or PS3 for her, she prefers the 360 at the moment (Guitar Hero), but as the next one comes out for all three platforms her preference may shift just because the PS3 is quieter.
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Back to the original topic of the thread for a moment...anyone know where to get one of the Premium models with HDMI? I went to the Toys 'R' Us in Time Square this afternoon and none of the units they had were equipped with it. I have a feeling these are going to take a while to trickle into the market. Hopefully they'll be available before September 25th...just placed my order for the Legendary edition this afternoon.

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