Im sorry but I just cant leave well enough alone... Maybe my brain has been entirely miswired from birth but I dont understand why everybody here feels the need to argue over this topic.
Lets break it down the basics. As basic as it will ever get.
There are ALOT of people on this planet. Most dont live as we do in north america... Which I think we can all be thankful for. Why?
Think about how much stuff is produced, Throw away, wasted, etc. Think about the raw materials and energy it takes to make those things. The hazardous by products. Etc. Lets face it we all waste ALOT. Recently there was a program on either discovery or the science channel which laid it all out. What an average human in north america consumes in their lifetime. Its astonishing. Now think about how much that is when you consider EVERYONE is using that.
The human race is the Alpha parasite on this planet. we arent
like parasites, we are the definition of the word. If you dont agree with this then stop reading now because obviously your IQ is too low or your extremely ignorant.
You figure that if your lucky and you dont die in a car accident, get cancer, struck by lightning, or drown in your own bathtub you might.
might live to see 80. 80 years. That is not a long time. Most of us probably wont even be around that long. So what is the point in debating "global warming"? Were talking about people that are trying to "green up" our planet and lifestyles. This is a bad thing? You know what. Who cares if we need to scare the public into thinking the earth will be fried into oblivion even if its not true. If people will start to think about what they waste and care about it why debate it?
The only reason to want to not "go green" is if its going to cost you or your company significant amounts of money. Sadly enough even though we only have such a short time to simply, Live.Laugh and Love people are still seemingly consumed by money, and to hell with anyone else.
No, Im not a tree hugging granola munching fruitcake like some of the folks out there. I love my v8 engines, I leave my power amplifiers on 24/7 and I rather like living in the wasteful overindulgent fashion most of us are accustomed to. But Really. Why argue about this? You dont want cleaner air?, Cleaner water?, You dont like saving money? You dont want any future generations of your family to be able to enjoy the same things that we do?