You're welcome. What is a "flat alignment"?
For vented:
Super Forth-Order Boom Box
Forth-Order Sub-Chebyshev
Quasi Third-Order
At least these are the old names.
Box loss will impact alignment as well.
No. The standard FR measurements (and sims) are free space, no planes. (Or very nearfield)
I know infinite baffle (2∏), full-space (4∏), half-space (ground plane), quarter-space, and eighth-space.
What is free-space? I am guessing it isn't a no-rent loft with speakers.
The 12db/oct vs 24/db/oct (monopoles) placed into a room (with gain) will exhibit very different acoustic response. Measurably and audibly. The vented typically being overboosted....hence their popularity.
That argument is just silly. You can grab any speaker you want and they all sound different. I think what your saying is a loudspeaker with a diminished bass response might better fit some room, but every room is different anyway, so were are back to what will you use for a reference? I assume it is free-space.
But of course

Never heard that response before

So after 30+ yrs, which vented system
should I have listened to, specifically? After reading (and hopefully, understanding)
this article and
this thread, can you explain how the vented system(s?) that I've missed all these years, physically (not your subjective opinion) avoid the problems measured and audibly identified?
TIA Loren.
Is your stance that no vented enclosure can sound good? Is there a consensus on that? I think Vandersteen uses ports. Wilson Audio is another. Are they junk?
The links, thank you, are interesting, but I did not see where they support your argument that a vented enclosure is a poor loudspeaker.
Maybe it would be good to reiterate exactly what your claim is so I am clear.