Being I have just bought a house and all the money spent renovating. I will pose this question as I'm relatively tight on money. I came across a 5 speaker set (center, 2 towers and 2 surround) of klipsch synergy 2 for 400.. I know they are quality speakers but would I be better with a 5.1 or 5.2 klipsch set or my 7.2 onkyo speaker set? Am I going to get THAT much difference in the speakers to make up for the 2 less speakers?
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5.1 vs 7.1 audio...yes, assuming you have the room depth, there is some difference, but understand the rear surrounds typically get mostly sound effects and not as much content as the side I've mentioned in other threads, if you intend to stream most of your movie content from Netflix, Amazon, etc. of the two formats, the overwhelming majority of the content will be formatted 5.1 from my experience. have the room depth, and don't mind working with physical media to get 7.1 content.
Klipsch vs Onkyo speakers...I've never heard any Onkyo speakers so I can't comment on those, but I have heard Klipsch, but not that model. I've forgotten if it was you that had the B&Ws or not...if so I would keep them and just go phantom CC or with a mixmatched CC until you're ready to invest something better...used is a great way to get into better quality speakers.