To be completely honest, adding a second Hsu VTF-3 to my system did not make a night-and-day difference. Now, that's largely due to the fact that just one of those subs, properly located and configured, is pretty damn good!
For me, the true benefit of adding the second one is that I NO LONGER WONDER WHAT IT'S LIKE TO HAVE DUAL SUBS! Seriously, playing the "what-if" game in audio will turn you into a crazy person. When I just had the one sub, I obsessed over what it would be like to have duals. Now that I have them, I can rest easy...
All that said, I do believe adding the second sub helped to "balance" my bass sound. I tend to run my crossover at 120 Hz, sometimes even 150 Hz, due to my small mains. With one sub I sometimes got localization issues; one side of the room sounded "heavier" than the other. Now everything is nice and balanced.