26% of US Muslims say "Suicide bombing OK"



Audioholic Samurai
For sure it needs more coverage,what it needs is heavy coverage but the issue wont get any more coverage than its allready gotten.If the story ever got the coverage it deserves then the media would be accused of picking on muslims.

Then we'd hear how there are bad apples everywhere & not all muslims are nut jobs.


Audioholic Field Marshall
For sure it needs more coverage,what it needs is heavy coverage but the issue wont get any more coverage than its allready gotten.If the story ever got the coverage it deserves then the media would be accused of picking on muslims.

Then we'd hear how there are bad apples everywhere & not all muslims are nut jobs.
Yep.... so true.

I also see other reasons why the media sweeps these types of stories under the rug. This is one example of many of how the media tries to sway public opinion. Sometimes it's by what they do say in their one sided commentary, and other times...... it's through omission. Stories that cut against the grain of liberal agenda are often deemed..... not newsworthy. Precious airtime is reserved for anti-war rhetoric and stories that help & support various liberal causes. That's why even the smallest of anti-war protests with only 100s in attendance are given major airtime and entire news segments...... and why major right to life marches with 10,000s in attendance are lucky to get 20 seconds of airtime.

For example, look at the recently foiled terrorist plot against Fort Dix, and it's disgraceful, weak, and virtually non-existent coverage. Not only does this story not receive it's due airtime, but they also try to play 'dumb' by not clearly noting the muslim/terrorist connection of the perpetrators as well.

Why might they do this you might ask???

Because they want the American public to feel safe, warm, and fuzzy as it relates to the terrorist threats from abroad and from inside our own borders. That's because when Americans feel threatened.......they vote republican.

It's in the liberal media best interest to downplay threats because shining the spotlight onto the very real threat of terrorism hurts democrats ability to win important elections, and they want the party of appeasement back in the White House.
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Audioholic Ninja
Sad indeed. And it's further disturbing that more than half (60%) believed that it was NOT Arab men who flew the jets into the twin towers...that, even after Bin Laden's admission.

Brutal cultural and individual ignorance.


Audioholic Spartan
Yep.... so true.

I also see other reasons why the media sweeps these types of stories under the rug. This is one example of many of how the media tries to sway public opinion. Sometimes it's by what they do say in their one sided commentary, and other times...... it's through omission. Stories that cut against the grain of liberal agenda are often deemed..... not newsworthy. Precious airtime is reserved for anti-war rhetoric and stories that help & support various liberal causes. That's why even the smallest of anti-war protests with only 100s in attendance are given major airtime and entire news segments...... and why major right to life marches with 10,000s in attendance are lucky to get 20 seconds of airtime.

For example, look at the recently foiled terrorist plot against Fort Dix, and it's disgraceful, weak, and virtually non-existent coverage. Not only does this story not receive it's due airtime, but they also try to play 'dumb' by not clearly noting the muslim/terrorist connection of the perpetrators as well.

Why might they do this you might ask???

Because they want the American public to feel safe, warm, and fuzzy as it relates to the terrorist threats from abroad and from inside our own borders. That's because when Americans feel threatened.......they vote republican.

It's in the liberal media best interest to downplay terrorist threats because shining the spotlight onto the very real threat of terrorism hurts democrats ability to win important elections, and they want the party of appeasement back in the White House.
Oh gimme a break. So this is all just a plot to help Democrats win back the White House!?!?! You're obviously a Republican, so can you HONESTLY tell me that you think that Republicans have done a good job of handling the terrorism issue?

Did you even look at the stats of the survey? Go to the Pew Research website and you'll see that 65% of those surveyed were Foreign-born Muslims. Of course their view is going to be a little skewed.

As a former member of the military, I'll tell you that I think the current administration has screwed up royally. Luckily, I was injured before Bush decided to go into Iraq, or I'm sure I'd be there right now, fighting a pointless war.


Senior Audioholic
Sad indeed. And it's further disturbing that more than half (60%) believed that it was NOT Arab men who flew the jets into the twin towers...that, even after Bin Laden's admission.

Brutal cultural and individual ignorance.

Please somebody tell them...a towel is not a hat!


Audioholic General
Your title is inaccurate.

It's 26% of YOUNG U.S. Muslims say that they can be justified in at least rare circumstances.

The full numbers:
"While nearly 80 percent of U.S. Muslims say suicide bombings of civilians to defend Islam cannot be justified, 13 percent say they can be, at least rarely.

That sentiment is strongest among those younger than 30. Two percent of them say it can often be justified, 13 percent say sometimes and 11 percent say rarely."

I'm not saying this is great, at all, but it's not nearly as bad as your title implies.


Audioholic Ninja
This thread title is wildly inaccurate to the point of being dangerous misinformation.

Sensationalism at it's worst.


Junior Audioholic
Your title is inaccurate.

It's 26% of YOUNG U.S. Muslims say that they can be justified in at least rare circumstances.

The full numbers:
"While nearly 80 percent of U.S. Muslims say suicide bombings of civilians to defend Islam cannot be justified, 13 percent say they can be, at least rarely.

That sentiment is strongest among those younger than 30. Two percent of them say it can often be justified, 13 percent say sometimes and 11 percent say rarely."

I'm not saying this is great, at all, but it's not nearly as bad as your title implies.
OMG... :eek:either he needs help with his math or his reading, maybe both... :confused: sigh


Audioholic Ninja
Your title is inaccurate.

It's 26% of YOUNG U.S. Muslims say that they can be justified in at least rare circumstances.

The full numbers:
"While nearly 80 percent of U.S. Muslims say suicide bombings of civilians to defend Islam cannot be justified, 13 percent say they can be, at least rarely.

That sentiment is strongest among those younger than 30. Two percent of them say it can often be justified, 13 percent say sometimes and 11 percent say rarely."

I'm not saying this is great, at all, but it's not nearly as bad as your title implies.
No, Zhimbo, it is NOT great, at all. Does it not disturb you that 5% of American Muslims approve of what Al Quida is doing? (And 1/4 of the respondants refused to answer that question!) The report estimates 2.35 million Muslims in the U.S. Five percent of 2.35 million = 117,500 souls living around you that harbor favorable views of Al Quida! THAT doesn't bother you more than the title of this thread?...117,500 people that approve of the killing of almost 3,000 innocents on 9/11?


Audioholic General
THAT doesn't bother you more than the title of this thread?
Where does that come from?

The title is wildly inaccurate. Not my fault. Nor does me pointing that out imply ANYTHING about any of my other beliefs.

My strongest belief is that one should be accurate and truthful in one's arguments, whatever your viewpoint.

The title fails that.

There is a serious problem, but exaggerating the truth to something with only a vague resemblance to the true data only hurts the point. It simply isn't true that 26% of "U.S. Muslims" think that suicide bombing is "O.K.". The truth is 13% think it may be possibly justifiable under certain circumstances, and most of them think only sometimes or rarely.

Good? No. But exaggerating that to "26% of U.S. Muslims" think it's "OK" doesn't help the discussion. Muddying the truth never does.
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Audioholic Ninja
Where does that come from?
I think he made a reporting error. So there aren't as many Muslims out there that hate you as the thread title may have indicated.

(If you read the article, then you know what the truth of the report is. He did link to it, did he not? Do you think he was purposely trying to mislead you and everyone? I don't. But that's beside my point to you.)

My point to you is... (and I'm gonna yell, because it was IN the linked article/study and you still don't seem to mind this news)...AT LEAST FIVE PERCENT OF AMERICAN MUSLIMS VIEW AL QUIDA FAVORABLY. And that doesn't include any of the 25% that refused to answer the question. That translates into well over 100,000 Muslims that support the attack and subsequent deaths of all those innocent people in the twin towers.

Maybe you won't answer my question??? I hope you do. Does this or does this not disturb you more than whether or not the title of the thread got the number correct?
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
Maybe you won't answer my question??? I hope you do. Does this or does this not disturb you more than whether or not the title of the thread got the number correct?
Honestly I wouldn't give a **** if 95% of Muslims though suicide bombings were a wonderful idea.


Audioholic Ninja
Honestly I wouldn't give a **** if 95% of Muslims though suicide bombings were a wonderful idea.
I'm not sure what you're saying here, RRN, but I guess your attitude might change depending upon where you were when one of them lit one off.
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
I also make a habit of staying away from 3rd world hellholes.


Senior Audioholic
My point to you is... (and I'm gonna yell, because it was IN the linked article/study and you still don't seem to mind this news)...AT LEAST FIVE PERCENT OF AMERICAN MUSLIMS VIEW AL QUIDA FAVORABLY. And that doesn't include any of the 25% that refused to answer the question. That translates into well over 100,000 Muslims that support the attack and subsequent deaths of all those innocent people in the twin towers.
'Overall, 68% of Muslim Americans view al Qaeda either very unfavorably (58%) or somewhat unfavorably (10%). Of the rest, a large proportion (27%) declined to express an opinion on the terrorist group, while just 5% of Muslims in the U.S. have a very (1%) or somewhat (4%) favorable view of al Qaeda.'

'The overwhelming majority of Muslims in the U.S. (78%) say that the use of suicide bombing against civilian targets to defend Islam from its enemies is never justified...

Overall, 8% of Muslim Americans say suicide bombings against civilian targets tactics are often (1%) or sometimes (7%) justified in the defense of Islam.'

- Pew Center Report

These findings go along the commonly stated view that the vast majority of Muslims have mainstream beliefs. The summary of the report reflects this:

'The first-ever, nationwide, random sample survey of Muslim Americans finds them to be largely assimilated, happy with their lives, and moderate with respect to many of the issues that have divided Muslims and Westerners around the world.'

The point made about al Qaeda support may be due to their stance on the current regime operating in Saudi Arabia:

'Killings by security forces and armed groups escalated, exacerbating the already dire human rights situation in the country. Scores of people, including peaceful critics of the state, were arrested and over two dozen suspected in connection with the “war on terror” were detained following their forcible return by other countries. At least five possible prisoners of conscience were tried following hearings that failed to meet international standards, but the status of others, including the hundreds held from previous years, remained shrouded in secrecy. The debate on discrimination against women, which began in previous years, gained further momentum with a sharp focus on domestic violence and political participation. Allegations of torture were reported and flogging, which constitutes a cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment and may amount to torture, remained a routine practice.'

- Amnesity International Report 2005.

I just grabbed this off the AI website and I really don't know anything of the politics. As I understand it though, al Qaeda is opposed to the current Saud regime which has US support. The behaviour of the Saudi regime can be used by extremists to justify terrorist action against the West.

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