Should DeSantis not survive his covid record than that leaves the door open for Cruz because he is "a name." There's no other besides Trump with name recognition sadly. Cruz has said he deserves the nomination because he ran once before so it's tenure. That's his reasoning. Not
him. Trump could get away with being a con man for a while because he had charisma, not character. Cruz doesn't appear to have either character or charisma. I guess not being a life long con man is something to place your hat on.

The thing I consistently notice with Cruz is the lack of human being. It feels like everything he does in the spotlight is calculated. I already know you're a politician, but sometimes it's nice to see the person and not the former. With Cruz I never do. If the cameras on, well I gotta pick up my kid and give her a kiss. Not just walking by the camera with your family is enough. Because the integrity is already there. Cruz is the type who'd say
.....and I believe in traditional family values! It would come across as cliche because he's the type of person who licks his finger and sticks it in the air for the wind reading. During the Cancun incident. Cruz's reaction was to look at his phone and see what the news was saying about him. Or his wife's reaction. He didn't really acknowledge he fucked up in any meaningful way. Cruz's answer was to appear on of all places Hannity (!) for damage control. Then attend a public food drive for more damage control. With Cruz I get the impression the enrichment from being president comes first, then service. Others already know that's part of the package but still manage to generally come across as behaving like service to the country first. Or hiding it better. With Cruz it's like trying to hide a red thumb.