The first thing I'd like to do is thank each of you Lovinethehd, J Garcia, Kew, and Pagre for your help with my concerns. You can probably tell I'm a beginner. I've never considered room acoustics. Each of you mentioned acoustics may be my problem. I"ll try to focus on acoustics and room correction to improve sound before purchasing new equipment.When you say room correction and acoustics are these the same something? What is room correction software?
Kew I like your statement no good reason an analog system should sound appreciably different than a good AVR. Is it not true that a 200 wpc amp and processor, spreads the 200 watts over the 7 channels? Meainging less output over each channel. I'm in the Los Angeles area and don't know of any place to borrow gear. I'm sure there must be some but I don't know them.
Here are some photos of my room please make suggestions. The main speakers B & W 803's (front) have 9 feet between them.The system is on the north wall, (front) on the east (right wall) a 7x11 foot glass door, the south wall (back) a glass china cabinet and on west (left) an opening to rest of the room (an open area). The room is 22x24 feet with an 8 foot ceiling. Wood floors with an 10 x12 throw rug.
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