That's easy
The seller makes cables and puts a price on it. A buyer comes along and pays it
But, he got 3 cables for that price. Some single cable is in the 5 figures
2) how any sane person can think "yeah, that sounds like a wise use of my money"
Now this is a bit difficult.
Can you explain human nature in the consumer marketplace? Not me.
and 3) if this is or is not a complete, utter waste of money.
This is simple too. Yep, it is
I would consider anything more than about $.30/ft for speaker cables a waste, unless you must see the cables and show them off as an art object
The, it becomes a Mona Lisa
So what's the deal? Can $5700 speaker cable really sound that much better than the $35 cable I'm using? Am I missing something?
Missing nothing. You are right.
A relative term
to you and me, yes, insanity.