

hey guys
finally got around to getting these pictures posted setup still isnt finished any tips or criticism would be appreciated to get my setup better


If you can afford the space, move those speakers back from the rear and side walls.

I use this speaker placement calculator for my speakers: http://www.cardas.com/speaker_placement.php

This speaker placement reduces room reflections as best as possible, but at the sacrifice of location convenience and wide soundstage.

Also, make sure you have made a triangle with your listening position and speakers.


Junior Audioholic
Good job! So your Brat is spoiled too eh? Ha ha.


haha nah i am the brat your talking about
and to be honest with ya none of it was given to me ;)
also thanks for the link eyedropo


heres some more pics with the grills on this time if anyones interested



Audioholic Slumlord
Congratulations Timmy. :)

Having an interest in anything above ear buds at 14 is a sure sign of a life long ailment that many here suffer from. I was able to pick out the Denon name out of the pics but that's about it.

How about an equipment list?

Edit: Just caught the PS3.


Hey Alex
haha thanks yeah i am addicted to this kinda stuff now and theres no way it will change
oh and heres a list of equipment (sorry i forgot to add that)
klipsch F-1s S-1s and C-1
sub is a klipsch 10"
Denon AVR-789
Panasonic 37" full hd LCD


Audioholic Spartan
It sure beats the clock radio I had in my room, at 14.


That is a very nice setup for a 14 year old. I had a boom box when I was 14 that I saved up all summer for. I think it was about $120 and I raked leaves and cut grass all summer just to get that and a few cassette tapes. Either you are working your butt off or your alowance is wwwaayyyy more then I ever got.....:D Either way you done good Timmy
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Audioholic Jedi
Timmy - very nice set up for someone your age. Scratch that...very nice set up, period! One small thing that you could work on for those of use living vicariously through you is sharper pictures. :D

Jamie - hahahaha!!! You beat me to it. I was flipping through those Timmy videos last night for another thread, and I was thinking about posting it in this one this morning. Hee, hee. I love that character!


Audioholic Slumlord
Wow, a 37" Panasonic. There's grown men on this site who ain't got it that good. :D

I'm just teasing one of the other members. :p
No need to mention any names. :D

One thing I would do with the TV is lower it so that the lower third of the screen is at eye level.
At least that's what they say to do around here.


thanks very much guys on the compliments on the setup!
and yes jamie im getting very sick of working at maccas hahah but i must admit without maccas i wouldnt have any of this equipment
oh and also yes i cant sy im very good at taking photos lol my camera isnt really "great" either i will try to get some more "clean", "sharper" looking pics if you would like i have to say there definetly not gr8 pics now that i look at them again
lol, like the TIMMYY video aswell, cant get enough of south park ;)
anyway thanks again on feedback and replys


Audioholic General
Nice and clean looking, the only thing i can suggest is getting a wall mount for the center channel. It's a little low at the moment, or possibly just swap it places with the receiver.


yeah i agree with you on the centre being low but im worried about putting the amp into a slightly enclosed gap as the vents are at the top of the amp and as you would all know it gets pretty hot besides im not going to keep that cabinet if you could even call it that it just really doesnt go so im thinking that i will be buying an av rack that way the amp can still be on top so ventilation wouldnt be a problem and i can then put the centre on the shelf below where i put the amp which would put the height up quite a bit
Thanks for the suggestion


Audioholic Samurai
Did u ever spread the mains out a bit more and maybe move the sub between your component stand and the right main Im surely no expert but I see that alot in other setups but Im sure your happy with your setup its super.I remember mine at 14 not quite so nice but worked well for me 27" magnavox w/remote wow! harmon kardon hk350i/Bic turntable/realistic dual cassette/pair of Advent Ones and a smaller pair of fischers for the rears I can still rember spinning some vintage Jethro Tull....


Junior Audioholic
haha nah i am the brat your talking about
and to be honest with ya none of it was given to me ;)
also thanks for the link eyedropo
oops! Sorry Bro. It's nice to see someone your age setting goals then working for that goal and achieving it. Well done!


haha nah its fine man
i didnt really state that i was the one who was 14 in my the first post lol


hey guys
just wondering if annyone could help me out here
on my amp while watching a movie (bluray) through the ps3 whilst flciking through the modes all that is available is multi ch direct, stereo, multi ch in, 5 ch stereo, rock arena, jazz club, mono movie, video game, matrix, and virtual
shouldnt i be seeing dolby modes!? such as dolby digital, dolby digital plus, dolby true hd, and the dolby pro logics, if so what am i doing wrong!? is there settings i havent found on the ps3 or amp that i should change
please any help would be appreciated


never mind think i figured out that the ps3 does the decodiing & sends it to the amp using multi channel in and that this is exactly the same soound as dolby true hd its just the ps3 is doing the decoding therefore the amps true hd light wont be lit up because its not doing the decoding . does this sound right?

also my mates asked me to post something for him on thsi forum and is looking for some help on this issue
he owns a denon 3808 and just recently its been shutting off when pushing it to high levels -10db and louder so i thought his amp was just overheating and triggering the auto setup saving the amp from any damage (he had the amp with not much ventilation the sides or top of the amp anyway so we took the amp out of the cabinet and now it has plenty of ventilation area but its still shutting off at high levels, so im asking do you think damage has already been done (also its not that the speakers are inefficient because his been listening at loud levels with this amp for a fair while now and the problem only really started about 3 weeks ago)
thanks for any help in advance
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
also my mates asked me to post something for him on thsi forum and is looking for some help on this issue
he owns a denon 3808 and just recently its been shutting off when pushing it to high levels -10db and louder so i thought his amp was just overheating and triggering the auto setup saving the amp from any damage (he had the amp with not much ventilation the sides or top of the amp anyway so we took the amp out of the cabinet and now it has plenty of ventilation area but its still shutting off at high levels, so im asking do you think damage has already been done (also its not that the speakers are inefficient because his been listening at loud levels with this amp for a fair while now and the problem only really started about 3 weeks ago)
thanks for any help in advance
Have your friend check his speaker wiring for a short. I've seen the same thing with a "whisker short" at the receiver where a strand of speaker wire is touching either another terminal or the chassis. It will work OK at low levels and then shutoff at higher volume.

BTW - very nice setup you got there.

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