Firstly, the 'sensation' of anything below some 100 Hz will depend quite largely on the room (did not notice that stressed), including the particular standing wave pattern for any room. It is one thing to cause an experience of feeling l.f. in a hall; quite another generating it in a normal domestic living room.
Regarding the physiological effect on the body: It is a long time ago, but such effects can definitely occur. There has been some experiment concerning that for warfare, but as far as I can recall quite substantial energy was required; orders of KVA plus the transducers to handle that. I have also read about research on low frequency standing waves being generated in a vehicle by certain types of road, and again it was found to have an influence. But the same was quite dependent on the 'victim'; not everybody was equally influenced.
(Apology for not providing references; this was decades ago and I did not Google at this moment.)