I don't like using AVR for music especially if its critical and you want "good " quality... I don't know what it is but there is something about an avr vs say an integrated amp or a stereo receiver that makes the avrs sound feel "played with" or "tampered"....
If I were spending $400 on what you are looking to do and wanted something that would supply worry free music listening I would go with...
Amazon.com: MUSE HIFI USB to S/PDIF Converter Decoder Mini USB DAC PCM2704 Black with USB Cable: Electronics
and depending on what you need for power either
a Topping TP60 which I love the sound of, its VERY detailed and has way more power than you would imagine, I know it says 100watts but I will put that against any 100X2 avrs amp section...
Amazon.com: Topping TP60 Tripath TA2022 50WPC (80WPC 4 Ohm) Mini Amplifier: Electronics
an APA150 for the price you won't find better, I own a few of these, if you need more power in your budget you can buy a pair of them and use them as mono blocks {which IMO is the best stereo sound, mono blocks insure 0 cross talk and give you balance control, although you need to adjust both volume knobs unless you upgrade to a dac with a volume control like the audio engine d1
Dayton Audio APA150 150W Power Amplifier 300-812 these amps are an incredible value, class a/b originally designed and produced by Emotiva as the bpa1...
What are you running for speakers?
Also as for zone 2, thats simple enough just run another amplifier like the lepai 2020 for $25 these make GREAT outdoor speaker amps, split the signal from the dac or use the low level output on the integrated amp and run your lepai for an outdoor zone...
I own every piece of equipment I listed above, the apa150s, both dacs, topping tp60, and 3 of the lepai 20202's---- you wont find better for the money.. In my garage I had a pair of CBM170 bookshelfs and an APA150 integrated amp with the muse dac and the sound is that of something most people would spend in the range of $1000 for...
Amazon.com: LP-2020A+ Lepai Tripath Class-T Hi-Fi Audio Mini Amplifier with Power Supply: Electronics for $20ish the power is more than you would expect, clean sound, and very reliable..
CBM-170 SE High Performance Bookshelf Loudspeaker on sale...
that stuff is going to be much more reliable than an avr.. and to answer your question the marantz would be what I buy between the two you listed, but I would rather see an integrated system with a very short signal path..