As a telcom engineer for 7 years prior to doing this website full time, I can tell you all things being equal, fully differential designs are ALWAYS superior to single ended. It's not just for noise immunity but for reduction of distortion too. When I designed analog front ends of modems, we needed huge amounts of SNR and low distortion in order for the transmitters/receivers to work. Every design was fully differential for that very reason. Only in home audio do things tend to get dumbed down either for cost purposes or b/c the consumer marketplace isn't properly educated.
That being said, single ended preamps/amps can still sound great but if you're truly pursing the best, you go for fully differential designs, PERIOD!
High performance networking equipment is one thing, but even the measurements don't point to the superiority of fully differential designs in home audio equipment on a consistent basis, no less audible differences. I admit to looking askance at equipment that isn't fully differential, because we all know that in theory one can always do better with differential rather than single-ended circuitry, but then you look at the measurements and you wonder if it's worth it for audio.
For example, I hesitated before ordering a Benchmark DAC1-HDR a couple of years ago because it didn't appear to be a fully differential design, I intended to use it with fully differential amplifiers, and it was replacing the fully differential Levinson No39. Looking at the measurements from the Audio Critic and Stereophile I had to ask myself, what possible advantage could differential circuitry offer? Almost every artifact was measured at -110db or lower. When I purchased the Levinson in the 1990s I was convinced that the fully balanced nature of the No39 played a role in my strong preference for it over competing CD players and preamps (the No39 is a transport, DAC, and pre-amp in one chassis), but now I'm thinking that advances in IC designs have made topological considerations secondary for line-level audio equipment.
I have no idea if the P5 will measure as well as the DAC1 on the analog outputs, and I probably wouldn't buy it without seeing measurements. Recently I've been wondering about the value of fully balanced power amplifiers too, where I thought there might be an audible difference. As much as I try to hear a difference between my fully differential amp and a model from the same manufacturer that isn't fully differential (which I use for a secondary system), I can't. There isn't even an idle noise difference. I understand wanting every possible practical design advantage, and I think that way myself, but it is a tenuous argument.