optical cable crackling...



Hey guys
Not really a sound guy so hopefully you guys here can help me. I got my AppleTV hooked up to my samsung home theater by optical cable.. After about an hour of watch something on the device "netflix" the speakers begin to crack/pop.. I'm pretty sure its the optical cable or something to do with that.. When I watch normal TV with my HDMI eveything works fine.. I just bought new optical cables but the crackle is still there.. So I guess its my receiver?? i have no idea..



Audioholic Overlord
Isolate the source of the problem.

It may not be the receiver, particularly if two cables do it..

Are you saying that it only does it with the Apple? ...something to think about.


Audioholic Ninja
Try hooking up something else with the optical port, like your cable box, if that crackles then I would say its your receiver, if it doesn't then I would say its your apple tv...

your on the rite track, process of elimination is going to help you figure it out, you eliminated the cable, now onto the source, once that is eliminated it is most likely the component that is left and last you check....


hey guys.. thanks for the response..
I was even thinking it could even be the Apple tv.. I just remembered that My xbox has netflix.. I'm going to watch netflix on my xbox tonight and see if it starts to crackle..
but why would this only crackle after a while??? its never right away.. only after 40 minutes or so.. If I use HDMI or those color wires (no idea what its called) the sound is great.. no crackle.. only if I use optical it crackles...


Audioholic Overlord
Try a different optical source, be it a DVD player or whatever. If that STILL crackles, then it might be the receiver after all buyt you won't know until you isolate the problem..


Try a different optical source, be it a DVD player or whatever. If that STILL crackles, then it might be the receiver after all buyt you won't know until you isolate the problem..
yah.. good idea.. im going to try my xbox and use the optical source from that..

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