And again, safety ground in a wall receptacle is not earth ground. No matter how many times that is said, some just know more than engineers. If a modem is earthed, then 1) you have violated electrical codes for safety, and 2) you have made modem damage easier.
Earth a surge - not modems. I do not understand why you find this so hard. And then post insults. You did not even know the difference between safety ground and earth ground. And still hope modems are protected because they are earthed. Earthing a modem makes surge damage easier. Instead, earth the surge.
Electricians do almost nothing for transistor safety. Code only defines wiring for human safety. Transistor safety is always about both meeting and exceeding code requirements. Homes properly wired (and grounded) by electricians typically do not have effective protection. Effective protection means no damage even from direct lightning strikes. Even the protector is unharmed. Why are properly sized protectors rates at least 50,000 amps. Because direct lightning strikes should cause no damage even to the protector.
Posted many times previously were examples. And numbers that define lightning protection by a properly earthed 'whole house' protector.
Orange County FL repeatedly had damage due to direct lightning strikes. Damage from lightning means a human made a mistake. In their case, the telco failed to install proper earthing. An analysis always starts by inspection of what does the protection - single point earth ground. Orange County finally stopped damage to 911 response centers by fixing the only reason for their lightning damage. They fixed what does protection - earth ground:
Case Study: Florida 911 Center Upgrades Lightning Protection System for Maximum Safety
Only the naive install a UPS or some magic box that will stop a surge. Informed consumers know the only item that does protection is single point earth ground. Effective protectors are obvious. They make that low impedance (ie 'less than 10 foot') connection to earth ground.
UPS has no such connection and avoids discussing it. UPS (that costs many times more money) does not claim to protect from typically destructive surges such as lightning.
As for APC's warranty - good luck getting it honored. Many have tried. APC does not claim protection from destructive surges. Its warranty is full of exemptions. In free markets, products with a 'best' warranty are often inferior. GM has a best auto warranty. Does that prove GM is better than Honda, Toyota, and Hyundai? Of course not.