Relax there chief, I was just joking around, I read it closely, you said time period not age, but what ever, I had a dirtbikes from the time I was 8 to now and no I don't relate or love it... {the dirtbike had very little to do with the movie if anything at all, they could have been on a gocart and not changed the story} and it is subjective... not my fault your post makes it look like you never seen the movie

, but thanks for clearing up you not needed me to point of when the movie was made because it is brand new and was made very recently, I thought we were talking about when the story took place, maybe it isnt me misunderstanding but you not conveying your thoughts accurately...
If you thought that was excellent imagine what you would rate
The Dirt Bike Kid (1985) - IMDb
dont take it personally your new, Im just bustin balls...