With that kind of budget, if that is a substantial sum for you, you really should go to audio stores and listen to as many speakers as you can stand to listen to, of as many types (e.g., ribbon, horn, dome, whatever), and of as many brands as you can stand to audition, with all of the types of music that you listen to or want to listen to, with recordings with which you are familiar. Different people have different taste, and different aspects of the sound matter more to some people than others, so it really is not very useful to know what some random people on the internet prefer. (Though if you want to know that, I really like ribbon speakers, and do not plan on ever going back to not having them. Magnepan would be a brand I would be looking at, though you may well have different ideas of what you want. For subwoofers, I like SVS.)
You will want to think about whether you want a surround system, or a better two channel system. Either can be used with a TV, though obviously one will not get the surround experience with only 2 channels. Either way, though, the speakers will affect the sound more than anything else, so you should expect to spend most of your budget on speakers. I used to use a receiver that retailed for about $600 with speakers that retailed for over $6000, and it sounded great (as it should). Because I wanted more (and newer) features, I replaced the receiver with one that retails for about $1700. Unless I engage a feature that affects the sound, it sounds the same as before. In my opinion, most people spend far too much of their budget on electronics than on speakers, if actual sound quality is the goal.