That very well may be but we communicated once thru my home e-mail address (his e-mail address was included in the PayPal transaction page) and he could have contacted me privately, without going thru the eBay censors. And another telling point is when I asked him twice thru the eBay mail service about a receipt, contents of the package & warranty he stated that I shouldn't worry since he would take care of me if I had any issues with the speakers and never answered my other 2 questions. So it came down to "TRUST ME" ... uh, I don't think so. Anytime a customer or a seller says to me, trust me, I usually respond "how can I trust you, when I can't trust myself". If this had been a used product I would have given him more leeway. I've resigned myself that I may have to pay MSRP from an authorized dealer since the LS-50's are relatively a new product and I want to be able to go back to KEF in the next 5 years for replacement/repairs without getting a run-around. I find as I get older that my patience with deceit, half-truths & lies is almost non-existent. Like I tell my kids & everyone else "Tell the truth and shame the devil". I might not be happy with what you tell me but I will respect you a hell of lot more if you tell me the truth.