I just had this really great post typed out but lost it after searching out a link to my
Marantz MA-500U amps ... bummer.
The Mo-Pads do indeed sit flat if you configure the sloped pads against each other. That turns into a 2" height boost. Assembled crossovers is the way I would go too. Then again I'm into pre-made PE cabinets and having all the work done by Swerd. I'm listening to a little Chopin on vinyl ATM.
I may amp up my MB-27s today. I mean I should amp up my MB-27s today. A couple of hundred bucks for amplification is one thing, $1500 is a horse of an altogether different color ... but an ATI amp on a pair of bookshelves would surely earn Walter's approval.
Where oh where is my SPL meter ... ???
BTW, The Mo-Pads are a split design that you can use to accommodate any width speaker. So when you get a set you end up with 4 platforms. I'm using 2 of the 4 platforms for the SongCenter.