Let me pretend that I'm a Maritime dwelling Canuck (GO-NAD!
) and ask you about the plywood end grain left showing after the most excellent rabbet used in your panel joint. Is that a tooling burn just to the right of the woofer?
Your work has gotten to a level where small detractions are all that separates you from the big leagues. Don't get me wrong, I could and would easily live with that level of finish and I know you're just starting out in this finishing madness. It will be interesting to see where evolving taste leads you. Light wood and Maple were also my starting points taste wise. It's like you're following in my footsteps but are a couple of light years ahead all at the same time.
Do I see a couple of EMP bookshelves for sale in the near future?
Am I ever glad to have my bookshelf solution firmly in place!
No more new gear!