Now you're talking
I honestly only want one thing, to sit down and enjoy the music, and experience those magical moments..... preferably together with my wife
All this technique, constant tweaking, pursuing the gold at the end of the rainbow, speakers that can play louder, better, less distortion... what for.... constantly being unhappy with what you have?
In the end music doesn't matter really, it's the pleasure of music that doesn't count.... better be happy with what you have
If you look to a company like Benchmark media, I believe there's absolutely no snake oil things there.... yes?
With their Benchmark DAC1 they claimed to have a product where jitter was a "non issue" at all
Now with DAC2, they even improved the jitter rejection, and as far as I understand, Benchmark really don't "improve" the products unless they can really perceive an audible difference, at least that's how I understand their engineers.
Or do benchmark improve the jitter rejection just due to marketing purposes?
Honestly I don't know anything anymore, I will just trust my ears....
There's almost always music in our home