Oh boy... I swear you guys can complicate peanut butter and jelly....
Just buy an amp that says its 4 ohm capable if you plan on running 4 ohm speakers, problem solved, lol....
PS I know PB & J is complicated, first you have the PB, chunky or smooth, Organic, natural, or "regular", Commercial or Private label. Then the Jelly, jelly or jam or preserves which one? Old school grape, or Blackberry, Strawberry, Peach, Raspberry, or a tropical mix of a bunch of berries, or maybe something exotic like Cactus jelly, mango banana, or Papaya who knows, so much to think about and we didn't even consider the bread yet??? Oh no, old fashioned american, sliced Italian, Rye, Marble, Banana, french, toasted raisin, maybe it would be good on some cold french toast? This turned out to be very confusing, but at least that is all we have to choose, but wait Hre comes mister Fluff? WTF do we add fluff and what does Nutella have to do with this, does that go in there too???? Someone help me, Which goes an first, when I just had PB and jelly, it was easy, jelly on one side PB on the other, or do we mix them in a bowl then spread them on?????? Ill never figure this out...
But seriously I have figured it out, Koezes PB {I prefer crunchy}, with Mackays Scottish 3 berry, on lightly toasted Arnolds Potato bread, NO FLUFF, NO CHOC CHIPS, NO NUTELLA...