Here is a link showing my room layout:
Drawing scale: 1 square = 1'
I have copied my original post here....
I have a challenge with my room and would like some opinions....
As with many my HT doubles as my living room. The room is 17' x 14'. The viewer/listeners seat (sofa) is against the back wall (14' wide) that has mirrors floor to ceiling the entire width. The left (17' long) wall is wall to wall glass with vinyl verticle blinds I keep closed most of the time. Opposite of the sofa, close to the left corner is the television screen and of course the left channel speaker is to the left of the TV. Directly opposed to the sofa is a fireplace and to the right of the FP is a wet bar nook. The FP has a very rough (rectangular stone texture) surface so its not a good reflector as say a wall is. The right channel speaker is in front of the wet bar. To the right of the sofa its all open to the rest of the home. (studio condo) To the right of the sofa, there is no wall. The room is completely open however the ceiling height is 8'. Note the steps. The ceiling height in the living area is 10'.
The surround channels are each side of the sofa in the room corners. Currently my sub (REL T9) is behind the front left speaker in the corner and is producing some nice sound. I would like to add another (possibly two) sub/s to the room to give more deep base and overall smoother bass. My initial thought is to add a sub to each side of the sofa. Any thoughts?