I spoke with Tom from PSA Via multiple emails. I explained to him what I want. He asked for my room dimensions, type of music / movies I like, how loud I spect it to get. He recommended the PSA-XV30 or two XV-15's.
My room dimensions are smaller than yours, but I've got an open floor plan that leads to the kitchen, front door and side garage door, and have vaulted ceiling. I'm currently using a Klipsch RW-12D, which I got on sale from newegg.com for $320 shipped, and it does a decent job for movies. For music such as jazz and classical I can noticed that it struggles with certain notes. I was thinking of buying a second Klipsch, but I'm afraid thatwon't make me happy. So, I am saving for the XV-30.
After doing a lot of research, reading, emailing and talking on the phone with several manufacturers, I concluded PSA offers the best bang for the $$$. It's going to take me a few months and lots of over time so save up for it.
P.S. HT has become a disease for me to the point my wife is getting upset since I keep buying and selling my set up, and I'm never happy with it lol. I'm actually thinking of selling my 7.1 set up and go with HTD Level 3's.