The reviewer, Nels Ferre and I seem to have this in common:
I guess I've been enjoying my SongTowers for about 6 months now. Every time I watch something on TV I find myself thinking about how good the audio sounds. It's like for a second or two I stop and appreciate some aspect of the audio track and then I go back to the show. It might be that I appreciate my set up more because it was so much work to get from 'there' to 'here' but now that I am 'here', I'm here to say that it hasn't gotten the least bit old.
I've been watching a series on Show Time called Homeland. Getting the subs dialed in to where the Show Time theme music produces only a mildly disturbing low frequency rumble has been my test track for setting the sub gain and cross over point. The show has used the surrounds for back ground music and ambient sound which I find less or more noticeable depending on whether or not I'm in the money seat. I sort of take my ques on setting gains for the surrounds based on having them not sound too loud in the less than ideal 'not the money seat'. It's an odd compromise meant to insure that the rest of the system doesn't ruin the audio experience being offered by the Salk front stage.
Since I got the STs I've had 3 different receivers and 2 different amps driving them. That's more work than it's worth but the various electronics like most toys are always more fun when new. The STs unlike most toys haven't lost any of their appeal. If anything I'm liking them more due to getting the rest of the system dialed in better.
It would be nice to have a pair of these for a 2 channel set up. There would be nothing left to do after hooking up the speaker wire.
Still Diggin' It