good point, so driving the 8060 at say 160 or higher (clean power an separate amp) will strain the 8060's ?
I don't know how low those speakers crossover, but since the woofers are side firing I would bet that those mids are going down below 200 Hz. The power divide is 400 Hz, so even at 92 db sens they will be handling a lot of power.
I suspect your main problem is thermal compression and probably distortion. Making small 4.5" drivers or any driver for that matter that can play loud and clean is an expensive proposition. At the price of those speakers there is going to be very little money in those drivers.
I have played and listed to the DEF tech line at Best Buy. In my view they are dogs ad real dogs at that.
I would get a more powerful amp, but I doubt it will make a difference. However, you are then ready to power your next set of speakers. If you like clean and loud be prepared to triple or quadruple your speaker budget. Before you do that be mindful that playing music loud will destroy your hearing. Please note that is not might, it will. There are no replacements for the hair cells of your inner ear. Please bear that in mind.