I am a little concerned on your level of knowledge about home audio, you may want to reach out to a friend or professional, if you still are having difficulty to avoid possible damage to your equipment. This is not meant to be mean, so I hope you don't take it that way:
1. You have seven interconnects for 7 channel output and 1 for the subwoofer if you have one?
2. You know the difference between black/red when connecting speaker wire?
You are aware that you connect the speaker wire from the speaker directly to the amp (adcom) and not the pioneer?
Page 3 of the Manual has the back panel layout of your receiver (Middle Right Side) are you PRE-OUT Connects, and they label which input you connect
If you are looking at the back panel of your amp you see the connections you need to match up with your Receiver: (If you are facing the back panel go from your left to right)
Adcom (Use your analog interconnects (starting left of the amp to the labeled pre outs of your receiver) See Page 3 of the Pioneer Manual
LF = connect to the Front L of your receiver pre out
C = your Center of your receiver pre out
RF = Connect to the Front R of your receiver Pre Out
RS = Connect to the Right Surround of your receiver Pre Out
RB = Connect to the Right Back of your receiver Pre Out
LB = Connect to the Left back of your receiver Pre OUt
LS = Connect to the Left Surround of your receiver Pre Out
If you have a subwoofer and its powered, you just connect the subwoofer cable from the sub to the receiver Sub Pre out 1
If you have a 12v trigger cable, connect it from the amp 12v trigger connect to the 12v Trigger Out of your receiver (See Page 24 of Pioneer User Manual)
I don't know your level of knowledge with equipment and if you are uncomfortable with this description, I would suggest having someone come help you in person.