Thanks to you both for your reply's, great information. I am particular about sound, and right now what bothers me most about the sound is while watching movies, in scenes with lots of effects, there seems to be sounds that seem to be lessened (or not there at all). Example would be a shooting car chase where you can hear the sound of the car / speach, but at times the gunfire and debris bouncing off the car is either quiet or borderline non-existant. This is only one example, and seems to effect spacial placement and volume. The less the effects, the better the sound quality. Also, main speach can be hard to hear at times, while the environmental effects (eg. crowds) are quite loud.
J_Garcia, would you still suggest tackling the speakers first? I am weary of breaking up the system and doing the fronts first (can't afford full 5.0 system yet due to newborn) to avoid timbre matching issues. So, if it were you would you wait and save for speakers, or do the Receiver now?
Norseman, are the pre-outs the main advantage of the RX-A series? Would there be a sound quality improvement from RX-V to RX-A series, or did you just mean over my existing Receiver? There seems to be a 7.2 pre-out connection in the RX-V series, but I might be wrong.
Also forgot to mention that I have the speakers for a 7.1 system which I will be hooking up when we re-paint the room and I can run the wiring.
Thanks again.