New to forum. Just bought 60" Panasonic GT50 Plasma and am replacing an Integra DTR 7.1 receiver. Need to upgrade for purposes of HDMI and would like to take advantage of new streaming APPLE technology as we now are an APPLE household (iPhone, iMac, etc.).
Running 5.1 in home theater area with B&W 601 bookshelf speakers up front and B&W in ceiling rears. Energy Sub 10". Room is 20 x 30 approximately. Very happy with Integra receiver (not one issue) but don't want to spend the money for the DTR 40.1 or 50.1 or equivalent. Considering:
Dennon 2313
Dennon 3313
Onkyo 717
Onkyo 818
Yamaha RX 820
Yamaha RX 1020
I have never purchased products from these manufacturers before. Any thoughts ? Performance, reliability are important. Also would like to retain powered zone 2 and or 3 audio capability.
Thanks for reading and offering your experience, opinions and advice.