So I'm moving around my theater room in preparation of adding 2 new subs, and I spend 2 hours calibrating it last night with a tape measure and an SPL meter, making sure everything is perfect.
Then I go to calibrate the 2 buttkickers I have hooked up to the LFE and the 2 Clark Synthesis Transducers I have hooked up to the rest of the speakers, and my only way of calibrating them is with my butt. ...seriously, I sit on the couch, put in a movie and go..."yup, that feels right."
For someone as "type A" as me, this drives me nuts. Do you know of any equipment or methods for calibrating transducers. As long as it wasn't insanely expensive, I would definitely deem it worth it to by some calibration equipment if it meant I could actually get some measurable, repeatable, accurate results.