I've been very familiar with the crown name as an end user in higher end, commercial installations; but they get a bad rap in home theater and 2 channel; yet everyone that I've ever read giving them a bad rap has never done an A/B and I wonder if it's bias (no pun intended on my part) against the pro audio sector.
Crown also has over the years had studio oriented models: D/PS/Studio Reference.
When I came back around to Crown (XLS 402D) on a whim (a $179 closeout whim) after the dead silent nature on my Statements vs Parasound, well the Parasound amps had to go. Plus the Crown has more balls.
For three years I had a standing offer that anyone could come over and stone cold, SBT, 10 coin flips. If they could pick out the Audiophile amp 9/10 times they could have the Parasounds. I even tossed $500 on top of that at one point. I eventually sold them and made a profit which is why I never steer anyone away from used Parasound/Rotel/Adcom etc. You can always get your money back.
From a
recent thread a Parts Express Tech Talk (PETT):
So is the 1000 staying, going, or switch up to the 1500 now that you have had some time on it?
The Crown is definitely a keeper for me. I'll be selling the Rotel and Adcom amplifiers that I've accumulated over the years.
I think I'll stick with the 1000 as I don't listen to music at higher levels and the hiss at lower levels is inaudible unless you're very close to the tweeters.