I'll at least tip the scales back to the positive side a little bit for BB (Magnolia)
About 5 years ago, I needed a new receiver so I went to BB and Fry's to look around.
Turns out the BB Magnolia had a couple of nice receivers that were about what I wanted, but "display" models. I spent a good hour in the Magnolia, listening to receivers (heck, even some and some speakers that I had no intention to purchase) and BS'ing with the salesman. I purchased my current Pio Elite that day.
Turns out they had a "display" unit that was returned to the store b/c the person bought it and when BB went to install it he realized it "only had 3 HDMI" inputs (which was plenty for most people 5 years ago). They had it without the box, but with the remote. It had some price on it but with a $150 BB gift card comes with purchase. Well, he said he couldn't do anything to lower the price, but he could bump that $150 up to $300 on a BB card. SOLD. I don't remember all the details, but I ended up paying maybe $1100 for the unit, remote, tax, 3 year extended warranty etc. and a $300 gift card. So, in all reality I paid $800 for a new unit without the box and had another $300 for my next BB visit. The MSRP at the time was $1200. Score!
But, you say I missed out on the calibration mic, the ipod cable, the accessories. Nope. I went home and pulled up the manual online and saw what was all included in a new system. I really wanted that iPod cable, so I went back the next day, found the same guy, and explained that I understood that I wasn't really entitled to the cable in the deal, but maybe he could take a look in the back. He comes back in about 10 minutes with a brown envelope filled with every accessory that would be with the new system.
On a side note, I was interested in the HK brand and asked his opinion. He said "it's kind of silly, but I never liked the feel of the volume knobs on the HKs, just feels kind of cheap". Guess what, I was looking for a new unit because my volume knob went out on my old unit. That steered me clear of those HKs!
The bottom line, you can't just condemn BB, a lot of the customer experience is hit or miss, finding the person that knows at least a little something and doesn't mind working with the customer.