GMOs do go beyond the ability of grafting and hybridization, but that doesn't make it appreciably different in result. It allows you to introduce genes found in plants not related enough to crossbreed. Many plants you do eat produce "herbicides" and "pesticides." Do you enjoy coffee? The purpose of caffeine is very likely to kill off things that would otherwise eat the plant making it a "pesticide." Now I as well am weary of this and would really like to see more testing done, but a lot of the "pesticides" and "herbicides" that we add to these plants are already produced in other plants, many that we eat.
I disagree. Why do organ recipients need to take anti rejection medications? These hosts plants are given genetically altered genes that are unnatural. Even though, in most cases, organ recipients are given organs from the same species there is still a risk of toxicity or rejection by the host because something foreign has entered the host.
A large number of GMO plants are not infertile, a great number of cross pollinated plants are though. This has actually caused issues with monsanto's crops causing a few cases where people have gotten sued by replanting.
Yes. This is why Monsanto has a legal team the size California. They have sued farmers when their GMO crops have pollinated natural crops.
From what I've read bt-cotton is pretty bad stuff, you'll find no disagreement from me. They are less regulated since you aren't eating the cotton, it is unfortunate that farm workers and people living near the fields have to deal with this.
Cool! We agree!
You should NOT find these animal issues convincing though, animals are only very tentative analogs for human toxicity. As an example chlorinated dioxins which are quite hazardous [but generally not fatal] to humans in moderate doses are fatal to rats in extremely low doses. Rats are considered one of the best models for toxicity study.
I'll get back to you on this...
Possibly a more related example would be persin toxicity in dogs. Persin is a natural antifungal that avocados produce that is considered harmless in humans, but it will most certainly kill your dog. Would you take the death of dogs that are fed avocado as a sign that avocados are unsafe for you to eat?
I'm familiar with toxin in plants being harmful to animals. I used have a very large house plant collection. Then, the cat came... so I did a good bit research and most of my collection was given away.
No, I would not take the death of a dog as a sign avocados are unsafe. This 'dog seath' analogy may be a bit of a slippery slope though. My wife is allergic to nuts. I'm not. What is in the nuts that are 'toxic' to her that doesn't affect me? We are talking natural, not man made, genetically altered.
Additionally do you find avocados containing a fungicide to "not sound safe or appetizing"? No person put that in, it is all natural and evolved in on its own. If i were to go one step further and say that I have now made a strawberry that produces this same compound in a proportional manner would these strawberries now become unsafe to eat?