I can’t say whether this is a rant or a DIY topic. Call it a DIY Rant.
I went exploring at another audio forum’s DIY site and saw
this thread. As I read it, I imagined just how much kool-aid the OP had been drinking (note his moniker and self-description). As I read further in the thread, I realized he was in good company. In fact, I felt like it was 1978, I was in Jonestown, and I was the only guy there who didn’t drink the kool-aid. I don't think I want to post anything there, so I'll complain about it here

This guy proposes to build a massive 2-way speaker with a 15” woofer combined and a 1” compression tweeter mounted behind a large 12” wide horn or waveguide. He wants to use public address (PA) drivers in a 3 ft³ cabinet, for a home theater room 10’ 8” wide × 23’ deep × 8½’ high. (I found it amusing that the OP described his room dimensions in inches – too much Ritalin?) The size isn't unusual for a HT. What is unusual is that he plans to use PA speakers more suited for a large auditorium, or a large commercial movie theater in a normal sized room in a refinished basement.
The drivers & horn:
Acoustic Elegance TD15M driver
BMS 4550 Compression tweeter
SEOS 12 waveguide
Even though I’ve seen this before, I’m still shocked by people obsessed with idea of using PA style speakers for home audio. At several audio shows, I have seen the audiophile variation of this, large PA type drivers in large nicely veneered cabinets, at absurdly high prices. The concept (I use this term loosely) behind this has it that extremely sensitive speakers could be driven by very low powered single ended triode tube amps, in the 5-10 watt range, and that there was an audible benefit to this. I’ve heard more of these speakers than I ever want to describe, and all but one of them sounded positively awful, with a gigantic hole in the midrange!
The OP did mention this
“I'm a little nervous on the TD15 and SEOS12 however. The SEOS needs to be crossed above 950, and John recommends crossing the TD15 no higher than 1k.”
Now here comes the RANT. NO ONE in this thread mentioned or even asked if this 15” midwoofer could go high enough to allow crossing over to the 1” compression driver mounted behind the horn!
Am I missing something? Is there any sound thinking behind ideas like this? To be convinced, I will need to see some measurements. Because this speaker design is such an extraordinary idea, I think I'll need some extraordinarily good data.