Receiver Advice For New TV



Hi All,

I recently purchased a 55" plasma for my bedroom. I love the picture, but the sound is not that great. I would like to add a receiver and a couple of speakers for it. I'm not really looking for a surround sound system, just something that will really make the TV sound a lot better.

If someone has this type of set up or can recommend a receiver and 2 speakers I would appreciate it. It's overwhelming how much there is to choose from! My budget is up to $1000.



Audioholic Chief
You might also want to think about a soundbar. I like this unit from zvox, ZVOX 580 Low-Profile Single-Cabinet Surround Sound System with Optical and Coaxial Digital Inputs: Electronics. It sounds good and the set up is dead easy.

Or you could get the superzeros and super 8 from NHT; it's running a sale (which ends today, :() so you can pick this up for $450 (no shipping). It's a heck of a nice sounding system. High End Speakers & Stereo Equipment | Subwoofers, Home Theater Systems For an AV receiver, you could do worse than the Onkyo TX NR 414 which runs $230 on Amazon. That puts you well within your budget; I'd add a roku box to stream content (or an apple tv if you prefer) which will run you less than a $100.

Edit: you don't need to spend crazy money on cables. Monoprice has great pricing on cabling; Amazon isn't bad either if you shop around.


Thank you for the suggestions bikemig. I'll look these items up!


Audioholic Intern
My budget is up to $1000.
Here's what I'd do. Save $750 back, and go for a $250 system. Get a low end Pioneer receiver for, say, $200, and buy used speakers at a used store or from Craigslist. Listen, calibrate, plan to get a subwoofer next. Improving on the sound from your TV will be easy, and it will be lots of fun looking for further improvements. (Maybe not Pioneer -- that's just the brand I'm most familiar with.) One day, you will come to want surround.


Get your self a nice pioneer or denon reciever on the cheap!!!
and some nice speakers to go with it, maybe even a little subwoofer to go with the speakers to add the bass note, and your set I suggest maybe, Yamaha speakers and a subwoofer

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