Compact Sub... Minivee 8 vs SB-1000 vs ?



Hi, looking for a sanity check and suggestions here...

Looking for a compact sub Minivee 8 footprint is ideal, could stretch to the SVS SB-1000 footprint but that would be the max. Usage would be 60% music (all types) and 40% HT. Sub will be in a corner behind a 46" display in a ~2800 sq/ft room with many windows. Was all set on the Minivee 8 but the SB-1000 creeped in.

Overlooking price (for now), what are thoughts on all around performance between these or is there another option (smaller footprint than SB-1000) that I am missing?

Thank you!


I had considered the Energy but listened to that and the Supercube at BB, the Supercube seemed better, not sure how biased that setup was though. Some of the posts I read seemed to think the minivee was superior to the Supercube so I hadn't looked much more at the Energy (or Supercube).

Was my logic flawed?


Minivee 8 without a doubt..<object classid="clsid: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="1" height="1"><param value=""><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed allowScriptAccess="always" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="1" height="1"></embed></object>
Over the SVS SB-1000 or over the Energy?


Audioholic Chief
Sub will be in a corner behind a 46" display in a ~2800 sq/ft room with many windows. Was all set on the Minivee 8 but the SB-1000 creeped in.
I surely hope you mean 2800 cubic feet and not square feet. The former is a good size room, while the latter is positively cavernous. Assuming you meant square feet...

Of your two choices I'd opt for the SB1000 myself, but I think it's almost irrelevant which you ultimately choose because I doubt either one of them will be able to do much in a room that size. I'm in an 1800 cubic foot room now listening to an SB1000 as I type this, and I don't see how it would be able to cope with a space that's over 50% larger. Physics being what they are the SB1000 will have more output then the Minivee, so that would only be worse.

Size does matter for several things, subwoofers among them. I'm afraid any tiny subwoofer would probably be overwhelmed by that room.


I surely hope you mean 2800 cubic feet and not square feet. The former is a good size room, while the latter is positively cavernous. Assuming you meant square feet...

Of your two choices I'd opt for the SB1000 myself, but I think it's almost irrelevant which you ultimately choose because I doubt either one of them will be able to do much in a room that size. I'm in an 1800 cubic foot room now listening to an SB1000 as I type this, and I don't see how it would be able to cope with a space that's over 50% larger. Physics being what they are the SB1000 will have more output then the Minivee, so that would only be worse.

Size does matter for several things, subwoofers among them. I'm afraid any tiny subwoofer would probably be overwhelmed by that room.
Sorry, yes meant cubic feet!

Makes sense on the SB-1000 being the better of not great (for the room size) options. After the kids get a bit older and we can clean out some toys I can probably sneak something bigger in, or another SB-1000.



Audioholic Jedi
I was going to ask that as well, as that would be a large space for any of those subs. Regardless, I'd definitely stretch the budget and go with the SB-1000 in your case.


Thanks for pointing me towards the SVS, ordered it yesterday! It was more a size than price issue, will have to shoehorn the SB-1000 into the space.


Audioholic Overlord
I had considered the Energy but listened to that and the Supercube at BB, the Supercube seemed better, not sure how biased that setup was though. Some of the posts I read seemed to think the minivee was superior to the Supercube so I hadn't looked much more at the Energy (or Supercube).

Was my logic flawed?
First, the SVS is definitely the way to go if you don't require the mini size of the others!

In what aspect(s) did the supercube seem better?

It is pretty hard to compare subs and BB doesn't usually do much to help the setup (not to mention guys like me screwing around with the knobs on the back.
Matching the levels, setting the crossover correctly, location of the sub and listening location, and making sure both subs are equivalently setup if Audyssey (or equivalent) is employed - any one of these alone could make a huge difference in a sub's apparent performance.
That is also a great advantage of going with a sub like the SVS which has a reasonable amount of measurement info (from the SVS site - but they have historically been comparable with third party measurements).

The link on the Energy/Mirage included some measurements by Steve Holden, which seem pretty good for a 9" cube, beating the mini-vee on some counts.


Its a small sub.... have you thought of going DIY? Might be a fun project and it would cost you very little.

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