I need to replace my Linn AV5125 Power Amp and AV5103 Controller and am having a hard time finding anything compatible with my Linn 6-speaker system.
My old Fujitsu plasma monitor died, so I recently bought a Panasonic TCP50GT50 Viera Plasma SmartTV. I had to connect the TV to the Linn controller via the one digital audio output/input on the TV/Linn, because the Linn has no HDMI inputs/outputs. That works okay, for now. I inherited the Linn system in 2002, and while it sounds fantastic, I want an updated, more streamlined system--something with multiple HDMI inputs, front iphone, usb, HDMI, etc. The thing is, my budget is relatively small (less than $1100 street price) and my Linn speakers are low impedance with high (92db) sensitivity:
2 rear speakers = Input impedance passive 8 ohms; input impedance active 6 ohms treble; 8 ohms bass
2 right/left front speakers = 4 ohms
1 center speaker = 4 ohms
1 subwoofer (self powered)
In my research, I'm finding that many receivers only support the front left and right speakers at 4 ohms. It's very discouraging--I was even considering selling all the Linn stuff, including speakers, and starting over, but those Linn speakers sound so amazing in the room. This is the only room in which I listen to music (streaming from my computer or ipod/iphone or on a few remaining CDs ), watch streaming video via Netflix or my mac, and occasionally via a DVD player or my mac's superdrive. I plan on getting a blue ray player once I settle the amp/receiver issue.
Does anyone have any suggestions for me?