We have recently joined Netfix. My wife wanted to watch a movie on Netflix last night. However after downloading MS Silverlight and trying to make the movie play. We got the
Digital Rights Management (DRM) Error
Error Code: N8156-6003
So I phoned Netfix customer support and got bad advice. I got bad advice four times. So then I researched it on the NET. I found this is a bad problem that they have never fixed with Microsoft, and has to do with their system not working properly with Windows 7 64 bit. If anyone else has this problem, then
this advice works first time. However after discovering and implementing the fix, it was time to go to bed!
So I tried to help Netfix, with an online chat this afternoon. You will see not many neurones and synapses firing in Latoya's head. Here is our chat. You can LOL all you want.
Netflix Latoya Hi there, my name is Toya. Am I chatting with Denise?
55 minutes ago You
This is the correct procedure for handling the issue with MS Silverlight and your site. It is Mark on the line, her husband.
Netflix DRM Error - Solution - AnandTech Forums
54 minutes ago You
I was given bad a advice by customer support four times yesterday.
53 minutes ago You
Your issue is not Microsoft's fault, as your system does not work properly with Windows 7 64 bit. You have not moved beyond 32 bit.
52 minutes ago Netflix Latoya
Hmmm, well we definitly want to get this issue resolved so what is the error message you get on you windows 7 Mark?
51 minutes ago You
The one everybody has been getting. Digital Rights Management (DRM) Error Error Code: N8156-6003
51 minutes ago You
Actually I was given bad advice four times.
50 minutes ago You
The method in the link I sent you worked perfectly first time. The advice to delete the files given by Netflix is harmful.
49 minutes ago Netflix Latoya
Well I apologize for the miss information give me a moment to look this up and take a look at the link you were given please.
49 minutes ago You
I was not given that link, I found the site.
47 minutes ago Netflix Latoya
So what steps beside deleting a file have you done on your computer?
45 minutes ago You
I followed the instructions in that link I sent you. I started my browser in administrator mode, restored the deleted files under a new name, Removed silverlight, reloaded it, saving the exe file to the hard drive. Then I went to Netflix with the Firefox browser still in administrator mode and I could see the movie, but then it was time to go to bed.
44 minutes ago You
The operating system is windows 7 64 bit, on my HTPC in my state of the art home theater.
40 minutes ago Netflix Latoya
Hmmm, Ok so have you deleted the mspr.hds file from your computer?
39 minutes ago You
I was told to do that, and I did, but restored it from the recycle bin and renamed it, as per the advice in the link I sent you.
34 minutes ago Netflix Latoya
Gotcha ok so this link in the neflix database for the error you received has most of the steps that you have already done. Except it doesn't say to restore it here is the link which im sure is similar to the one you had
Click Here . Try deleting it without restoring it
30 minutes ago You
I do not want to delete it. That file is there so I can play DRM protected downloaded media I have and will pay for. You CAN NOT BE TELLING PEOPLE TO DELETE THAT FILE! I have everything working. I'm just informing you that nobody at Netflix knows what they are doing. We are new customers and finding out the Netflix is a bottom rung crummy outfit.
29 minutes ago Netflix Latoya
These are the steps that we have received to resolve this issue. I have had tons of people follow these step and delete that file without restoring it and there netflix and all other programs still run properly.
28 minutes ago You
I have already sent that link and the advice is not correct even though it comes microsoft. The real answer, I have found out is that Netfix needs to write new software, so your site works properly with Windows 7 64 bit, not just the 32 bit version.
28 minutes ago You
Your software team needs a kick in the rear, and told to fix this problem.
26 minutes ago You
You don't get it. The computer needs that file to be fully functional. Also having the browser in administrative mode is crucial to fixing this problem.
25 minutes ago Netflix Latoya
The error you are receiving is a silverlight error which is produced by Microsoft. Silverlight is the platform that we use to run netflix on the website.
24 minutes ago You
So instead of telling people to delete the file, they need to be told to rename it.
24 minutes ago Netflix Latoya
So Mark once you put your browser in administrator mode does it not stay?
22 minutes ago Netflix Latoya
If you don't want to delete that file there is a picture of a man next to some words that say Microsoft fix it you can select him and run the fix it tool.
22 minutes ago You
According to my best research it is not microsoft's problem, but a problem with Netflix and Silverlight not running properly on the 64 bit platform. It is a problem for both of to work together on this. You are loosing a lot of customers over this. The Net is full of a lot of your very unhappy customers.
20 minutes ago You
I know and the fix it tool says to rename the file and not delete it if you want your computer to stay functional. But the crucial step is to have the browser in administrative mode, otherwise the file will reload corrupted on a 64 bit system.
18 minutes ago You
You need to fix this so all the customer has to do is to press the silverlight download button, that comes up when you first try to stream a movie. That should be it. It should be as seamless as possible for your customers. They don't want a geeky solution.
17 minutes ago Netflix Latoya
Ok Mark I understand your concern give me a brief moment to look into some other things.
12 minutes ago Netflix Latoya
I'm still here with you it will be just one more moment. Thanks for waiting.
6 minutes ago Netflix Latoya
Okay, so the mspr.hds is a temporary internet file and it won't make any negative impacts to Silverlight or computer if you delete it, however if dont want to these are the troubleshooting steps that we receive from Microsoft, since it's their software if you are concerned the best thing to do is c get in contact with them and see what else can be done!
4 minutes ago You
I don't care as I have solved it for me. I will give you one last piece of advice. You are the ones who need to beat microsoft up. If they don't fix it I suggest you switch to Flash Player.
2 minutes ago Netflix Latoya
I have heard flash player would better to use maybe we can switch to that one day if we continue to have these issues. I am definitely glad you are able to watch you netflix.
2 minutes ago You
Good afternoon.
48 seconds ago Netflix Latoya
It has been a pleasure have a wonderful day! And one more thing, if you wouldn't mind, please stay online for a one question survey.
This chat session has ended.
Were you satisfied with your Netflix experience? <label> <input name="chatSurvey" value="yes" class="cse-chat-radio-yes" type="radio"> Yes </label> <label> <input name="chatSurvey" value="no" class="cse-chat-radio-no" type="radio"> No </label>
Thanks for your feedback.
By the way, Latoya is the slowest typist in the universe. I pressed the no button!