It's worth a try I think. The only issue I see is that you have to be careful about supplying too much power to it. I'd probably get the dual 4 VC, wire in series to get 8 ohms and get something like a crown XLS 1500 and use it to drive two of them in stereo mode. At 8 ohms the crown is pumping out 300 watts RMS which is well below the power rating of 600, but in this case that's a good thing, since as noted on data-bass the max power handling is rated by x-mech not thermal power handling. Try to go pushing 1000 watts through one of these things and the driver will go slamming into the back plate causing serious damage. While that can be true of any driver when the max power rating is exceeded, it can be especially worrying with subwoofers since people generally like to crank the volume when watching movies. Big explosions+too much power can get you in trouble real fast. I'm not entirely sure I like the power rating dictated by X-mech rather than thermal.
Something to keep in mind.